Speeder bike question.

By Son of Skywalker, in Rules

My best friend and I was playing a game of Star Wars Legion today and we have a question. Speeder bikes can go over a level 1 building but can that same speeder bike end it's move on the roof of that building? Thanks for any and all help.

As long as the base fits, yes.

There is nothing worse than that slow-motion-moment where your opponent bumps the table a miniatures now hurtle out of control crashing into the ground, the terrain and each other.

Keep in mind that one day you'll be the "bumpee" and on another day the "bumper" so enforce this rule when the survival of finely balanced miniatures matters.

The funniest "bump" I ever saw was a friend who was measuring range to a foam castle, he managed to hook the tape measure on the castle and drag it about 16" across the table scattering all on the castle and all in its path.

BTW: The AT-ST just seems to be asking for trouble in this regard.