Say I have a wall between a unit of troops and an AT-ST. Where in the rules does it explain how to determine who gets cover?
Edited by ozmodonCover question
They are still fleshing out the rules for this in the rules reference.
It will turn out something like this from what I’ve read:
1.) Determine before the game whether said wall is high enough to provide cover to each unit (usually if it is at least half as high as the mini). Let’s assume that it will provide heavy cover to troopers, but no cover to the AT-ST.
2.) When the AT-ST fires at the troopers, you check whether any part of its line of sight is blocked by the wall (checking from the center top of the AT-ST). Troopers at least partially blocked by the wall have heavy cover if a line between the two minis crosses that wall. If line of sight is not blocked at all, or if the base-to-base line doesn’t cross that terrain, that mini has no cover.
3.) If at least half the defending miniatures have cover, you apply whatever the most prevalent cover type is (light or heavy).
Edited by ReoitahiKid
Acording to This , there is a missing line in the rrb. Basicaly you need 50% covered from los AND the line from center base to center base to pass through cover. Will be updated properly later.
7 minutes ago, Dwane Diblie said:Acording to This , there is a missing line in the rrb. Basicaly you need 50% covered from los AND the line from center base to center base to pass through cover. Will be updated properly later.
That's not what the email clarification says for cover actually, check Reoitahikid's response above.
What the email clarification says is the 50% cover is done to just classify whether a piece of terrain confers cover to certain things like the ATRT or ATST.
Then you check to see if, with true los, any amount of the miniature is obscured. Then draw lines to see if terrain intersects the lines drawn.
My understanding is the AT-ST must ALSO be able to see the base of the mini from its LoS. If the mini can't be seen (base and all) from the AT-ST's LoS then the defending mini can't take any wounds even if the the rest of the unit is visible. If part of the mini can be seen then it'll at least get cover of some sort. If 50% of a unit is OBSCURED then the whole unit has cover. Obscured mean at least part of the minis in a unit are behind some sort of cover. If more minis in the same unit are obscured by one type of cover then the whole unit will be considered covered by that type. i.e. A unit of 6 troopers takes cover. 2 are obscured by light cover, 3 are hiding behind a tall wall (where 1 can not be seen at all), and one is in the open (they are all in cohesion still). Since most of the unit (5 of the 6) have cover then the whole unit has cover and since most of those with cover are behind heavy cover then the whole unit is considered under heavy cover. When say an AT-ST attacks and it can see the bases and parts of 5 of the minis, BUT it can't see the 6th mini at all then any damage done to the unit only applies to the 5 minis that can be seen.
That said, according to the rrg, card effects take precedence over rrg so a BLAST effect should negate cover and so does that mean the fully obscured 6th mini WOULD take damage too if a blast effect was applied?
14 minutes ago, gesumurphy said:My understanding is the AT-ST must ALSO be able to see the base of the mini from its LoS. If the mini can't be seen (base and all) from the AT-ST's LoS then the defending mini can't take any wounds even if the the rest of the unit is visible. If part of the mini can be seen then it'll at least get cover of some sort. If 50% of a unit is OBSCURED then the whole unit has cover. Obscured mean at least part of the minis in a unit are behind some sort of cover. If more minis in the same unit are obscured by one type of cover then the whole unit will be considered covered by that type. i.e. A unit of 6 troopers takes cover. 2 are obscured by light cover, 3 are hiding behind a tall wall (where 1 can not be seen at all), and one is in the open (they are all in cohesion still). Since most of the unit (5 of the 6) have cover then the whole unit has cover and since most of those with cover are behind heavy cover then the whole unit is considered under heavy cover. When say an AT-ST attacks and it can see the bases and parts of 5 of the minis, BUT it can't see the 6th mini at all then any damage done to the unit only applies to the 5 minis that can be seen.
That said, according to the rrg, card effects take precedence over rrg so a BLAST effect should negate cover and so does that mean the fully obscured 6th mini WOULD take damage too if a blast effect was applied?
The mini that is out of LOS can’t be damaged because it’s out of LOS, nothing to do with having cover.
Blast doesn’t do anything to fix LOS issues, it just ignores cover.
Forget the 50% Rule during Game. Its only used before game started.
First: Mini are fully seen = no cover,
Second: if mini partial see check base to base and then when line goes trough terrain or base that blocks los = cover.
What type of cover is defined before game for that mini.
On 4/16/2018 at 1:26 AM, Trevor79 said:Forget the 50% Rule during Game. Its only used before game started.
First: Mini are fully seen = no cover,
Second: if mini partial see check base to base and then when line goes trough terrain or base that blocks los = cover.
What type of cover is defined before game for that mini.
Hoping this guide I made helps out.
Get the PDF here,
below is just a lo-res image.
Edited by Big Easy
Sadly as an image it pixelates and becomes hard to read, are you able to save as a PDF at all? Looks quite useful.
1 hour ago, Amanal said:Sadly as an image it pixelates and becomes hard to read, are you able to save as a PDF at all? Looks quite useful.
There is a link to a pdf in the post already...
Edited by ThorasMissed the link, thanks for pointing it out.