++ Standard (Rebel Alliance) [799 Points] ++
+ Commander +
•Luke Skywalker [191 Points]: Force Reflexes, Saber Throw, Targeting Scopes
+ Corps +
Rebel Troopers [77 Points]: Impact Grenades, Rebel Trooper, Z-6 Trooper
Rebel Troopers [77 Points]: Impact Grenades, Rebel Trooper, Z-6 Trooper
Rebel Troopers [77 Points]: Impact Grenades, Rebel Trooper, Z-6 Trooper
Rebel Troopers [77 Points]: Impact Grenades, Rebel Trooper, Z-6 Trooper
+ Support +
AT-RT [100 Points]: AT-RT Laser Cannon, Long Range Comlink
AT-RT [100 Points]: AT-RT Laser Cannon, Long Range Comlink
AT-RT [100 Points]: AT-RT Laser Cannon, Long Range Comlink
+ Command Hand +
Command Hand: •Ambush, •Son of Skywalker, ••My Ally Is the Force, ••Push, •••Assault, •••Return of the Jedi, ••••Standing Orders
++ Total: [799 Points] ++
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First list, no playtime yet. Maintain range with walkers. prioritise armoured targets. Troops assist till threats to walkers gone. (anything with IMPACT) Luke plugs holes.