
By Lindegaard2007, in Rules

How wil you guys handle multiplayer battles?



I’ve thought about this a bit. The game works similarly to bolt action, where you have alternating (in BAs case somewhat random) activations. In that game, each player would have uniquely colored activation dice. So, you could solve the activation bit by having each player have uniquely identifiable order tokens. Each side would have their order tokens in a single bag, and there’s that.

List building though is a problem, especially command cards. I’m not sure you’d want every player to have their own command deck? Not sure. I guess you could.

One thing you could do is have each side have their own round counter that is passed back and forth, and the player who has it is the one who plays a command card that round.

Im pretty keen on figuring it out though, as I have a lot of opportunities for 3or 4person games.

3 players a side:

Commander can spend any number of the points his team has on a commander. The other two players spend the rest of the agreed upon points on everything in their army except the commander. They are limited to 3-6 Corps each and for the Special Forces, Support and Heavy choices they are both limited to the usual mix of units. So the army will be 1 Commander, 6-12 Corps and 3 Special Forces, 3 Support and 2 Heavy. I would probably make uniqueness apply to the army too.

The total points for the army is whatever is agreeable, but the players do not have to split this fairly. Players are limited to a single faction for their team.

During the game the commander controls his Commander and all the Special Forces, Support and Heavy units, in effect he has the battalion level assets to control. While the other players are his company commanders and control the Corps.

The commanders will build their command hand and play the cards from it as normal. They can assign orders to any units on their force. When any of the units under the commanders control is activated he can run through the activation himself or give control of that unit for the turn to one of the other players. The other players can request that he performs various actions or assists in a certain way, but hey can chose another action if he wants. If the players can't agree on what unit to activate, the commander is the final arbiter.

Play should take place on 2 3x6' tables but you don't have to make a 6x6' table, you could make an "L" or "T" shape if desired. Players would have to come up with a fair system of setting up their armies, perhaps just nominate a centre point or line and have no units deploy within 2 of that point or line. So you could use a diagonal line for variety, or a centre points of the "L" or "T".

More players could be added by just allowing 3-6 Corps per player, adding more tables and points as agreeable.

Play finishes when more than half the Corps units are eliminated, or there is only one units left under the Commanders control. (Adjust this as necessary to create an interesting game but not allow the game to drag on.)

My take on it. More designed to be a unplaned games. Like games night meet ups.

Each player brings 400 pts with the following restrictions:

1 HQ. This cannot be a unique unit but can be any type of troop designated as the HQ. (I am sure we will get generic HQs later also)

2-4 Core units

0-2 Special Forces, Support and Heavy, of which you can take a max of one unit from each category.

Each player brings a hand of 4 command cards with one card for each pip count.

During the command phase all players select a command card and place it facedown. Once revieled, first compare them to your other team members. Whoever played the lowest number of pips gets the first activation for the team and gets to issue the orders for the turn. The next lowest pip count gets the second activation for the team, and so on. In the case of a tie, the hq with the lowest total cost can choose the order of play for all involved with the tie. If this is still a tie then randomly select a player to choose the order.

Once the order of play is determined, both teams count up all pips played. The team with the lowest total pips has the initiative.

Think that covers everything.

This has been a bit of a topic i had been thinking about also, primarily for after we get additional commanders.

If I am not providing all the figures, a modified grand army scenario with a Max of 2 commanders (though they cant be the same commander) one for each teammate with a total of 800 points for each player.

If I am providing all the minis for each side, something like a modified 5-600 points each team mate.

I have been using and dividing my 6x3 table and running two "starter games" at a time one side has 600 Points less troops but has at-st and airspeeder and the other side of the table is playing with 500 points, more troops. Something in the same vain just one big table with 4 players