Shooting Through Another Unit

By Lumberjack Nick, in Rules

Let’s say trooper unit A is standing in front of trooper unit B.

Is the attacker able to attack Unit B, or does the attacker have to attack the closest unit?

If they are able to attack unit A, then the attacker is able to shoot through unit B without unit B sustaining any causalities.

Maybe this explains how C-3PO and R2 are able to walk across that hallway in A New Hope without getting hit by shots.

Im not sure im following which unit is "in front" of the other here....

But you do not have to shoot at the closest enemy, you can shoot "through" a unit to hit one behind it.

Pg. 31 of the RRG, the "Line of sight" entry:

"Trooper minis do not block line of sight. When determining line of sight, if a player cannot see a mini because it is concealed by one or more troopers on the battlefield, and that player could otherwise see the mini, that player’s mini has line of sight to the mini that is concealed by one or more troopers."

Ground vehicles CAN block and obscure other units however, and if they do so they can provide LIGHT cover. This does not mean that they run any risk of suffering damage if an enemy shoots the unit they are obscuring though, it only makes it harder for the enemy to hit the obscured unit.

Interesting. On RR, page 22

Determine Number of Obscured Miniatures: The player
traces an imaginary line from the center of the base of the
attacker’s unit leader to the center of the base of a mini in
the defending unit. If the imaginary line crosses either a
piece of terrain or another unit’s base, that mini is obscured.
The player repeats this process for each mini in the defender
to determine how many of those minis are obscured.

(Emphasis mine)

So, troopers do not block LOS, but can give cover (I assume light cover), as far as there isn't another rule that override this one...

What do you think?

Edited by airshow
1 minute ago, airshow said:

Interesting. On RR, page 22

Determine Number of Obscured Miniatures: The player
traces an imaginary line from the center of the base of the
attacker’s unit leader to the center of the base of a mini in
the defending unit. If the imaginary line crosses either a
piece of terrain or another unit’s base, that mini is obscured.
The player repeats this process for each mini in the defender
to determine how many of those minis are obscured.

(Emphasis mine)

So, troopers do not block LOS, but can give cover (I assume light cover), as far as there's another rule that override this one...

What do you think?

The second bullet point below the paragraph you quoted reads:


»» Only ground vehicles can cause a unit to be obscured.
If the imaginary line crosses a ground vehicle’s base, the
defending unit’s mini is obscured, but if the imaginary
line only crosses a trooper or a repulsor vehicle’s base
then the defending unit’s mini are not obscured.

So troopers do not block line of sight nor do they obscure (provide cover).

So in simple terms, you can fire through troopers and there is no effect?

5 hours ago, VAYASAN said:

So in simple terms, you can fire through troopers and there is no effect?

Thats what I can get from the rules at least!

5 hours ago, VAYASAN said:

So in simple terms, you can fire through troopers and there is no effect?
