Universal "spaceship" bases and magnetizing

By JBar, in Painting

So I struggled for months trying to figure out a base scheme for Legion. I have so many different themed planets for terrain and I wanted something that could blend into any of them. I finally went with using plasticard and random bits to make what I thought looked like a Death Star interior, loading bay, rebel base, etc.


So here, are the steps I took to make the bases, with a video on magnetizing at the end:

1: Trace out the bases onto 1-2mm thick plasticard. I bought the last one off amazon, but I saw lots of sheets of it on ebay.


2: Use scissors to carefully cut out the bases. It's ok if you're off a bit because we'll be sanding down the edges later. I also marked where the firing arcs were on the bigger bases and then used a knife to score several passes along the lines to cut out the firing arcs.



3: Rough up one side of the plasticard with low grit sand paper. This will make the plasticard much more adhesive to the bases


4: Use a dremel to sand down the edges (ignore the greeblies on this picture, that's the next step)


5: Cut out a center for the larger bases and make sure the plastic stand will fit.


6: Add some "star wars-y" junk to the bases. I used zip ties of different sizes, paper clips, and plasticard base rejects. Get creative! IMPORTANT- use super glue gel for this so that the glue doesn't spread around and gunk up the bases.


6: Just add paint! I used some gloss Rustoleum grey to give the bases a nice shine. The paint goes on in just one pass so no need to overkill on the paint.


The only problem with this method is that it forces you to paint your minis before putting them on the base. Then again, I guess it's motivation to paint them up quick! Also, don't make the mistake I did which was spraying Testor's Dull coat over the bases, it washes out the shine. So coat your minis before putting them on the bases. Also, rough up the minis' feet before you glue them to the bases so that they stick easily.

Video of the magnetic bases

The guy who should get credit for making these magnetic carrying cases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3TvgzBQtZ0

And the magnets were 5mm X 2mm neodymium disc magnets off ebay. I got 100 for around $10. They are the PERFECT size for Legion and they aren't hard to pull off but stay put in the box. The box is just a cheap box from Target with some $6 flashing I found at Home Depot. I painted the flashing grey. Hope this helps!!!

*Edit* Oh no I used vertical mode for the video! Forgive me haha

Edited by JBar

Great work!

Can you get a few close-up pics of a group of two or three of your bases?

If you happened to take pics of the bases before adding the figures, that would be ideal, but we'll take whatever you got.

Also, thanks for the magnetizing vid. Super simple!