Boot Camp Beginner's League, East Windsor, CT

By reegsk, in Organized Play

Hello Star Wars fans! We'll be hosting a Boot Camp beginner's league at The Battle Standard in East Windsor, CT. This league is designed for players of all levels, from those who just bought there core set (or are thinking about it) to people who went in whole-hog and bought everything. It will run for five weeks, from April 18th through May 21st. Attached to this post is a rough draft of the league rules. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reply to this post or message me directly. We're trying to make Legion big in the Northern CT/Western MA area. More details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

Right now, we have a scheduled Imperial Academy Orientation night for this coming Wednesday, April 11th. This gives players an opportunity to discuss and understand league rules and expectations, start or continue assembling and painting their forces, and meet some of their fellow cadets. You can also pay academy tuition early and start earning Marks of Excellence before the league begins! Join The Battle Standard New England group on Facebook for updates.

We would be honored if you would join us.

Boot Camp Rules Brief (First Draft).pdf

Edited by reegsk