Favorite Imperial list

By Bol14, in Army Building

I have used this list four times now to great success, having yet to lose a game! The DLT troopers have got to be my favorite units, (outside of the At-ST of course) helping to efficiently eliminate any At-Rt's and laying down some powerful fire on opposing squads.

Darth Vader - 200

Force Reflexes - 15

Saber throw - 10

At-ST - 195

88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon - 20

Mortar Launcher - 10

Concussions grenade launcher - 15

Weiss - 10

2x Stormtroopers

Dlt- 19 - 24

Extra Stormtrooper - 11

Concussion grenades - 5

2x Stormtroopers

Dlt - 19 - 24

Extra stormtrooper - 11

Point total: 801, if your opponent is not willing to budge on the 1 point over cost, simply remove one of the grenades from a stormtrooper or the grenade launcher from the AT-St and give two more units of troopers grenades in stead. The list is a lot of fun to use, flexible and powerful. Vader is a buzzkill though, his slow movement makes it difficult to get him into combat and it can be hard to fully support him. He does, however, do an immense amount of damage if one can get him into combat (as I am sure you all know). I cannot wait to try Veers and some snowtroopers!

I’m surprised opponents are letting you go over 800. Honestly dropping one set of grenades to make a 4 point bid to get red player could be very useful since you only have 6 units.

Are you worried about loading so many points in two models?

I’d almost try to get a 5th squad in and take the AT-ST with just a mortar.

Veers should be great for an AT-ST list.......or a bike list.....or an infantry list........any list really.

We have been very casual while learning the game, I will be dropping the concussion attachment for extra concussion grenades when we start getting more serious, and that will put me just under 800. I actually am not concerned about loading up two models. However, Vader has been very disappointing, while he can easily wipe a squad, it takes forever to get him into combat, which is why I cannot wait to replace him. In our games, the At-St has been dominant, destroying vehicles left and right, while my troopers lay down suppression on the opposing squads. With Veers, I plan on running two At-St's, two storm trooper units with DLT's and two snow trooper units with just five units (perhaps the heavy if I can afford them). While five or six squads may seem optimal at first, having the mortar on the At-St (two if with Veers), one could potentially lock down two units and keep them out of the game entirely through suppression, then use the remaining guns to lay down suppression on two other units, thus limiting your opponent and leveling the playing field troop wise.

Fair enough.

Test playing against Leia, she could throw a wrench into plans with her range 2 anti-suppresion field....same goes for an enemy Veers to a lesser extent.

It will be interesting to see how those match-ups play out!