Warning: incoming rant.
I have a better idea: give the job to Benioff and Weiss.
Hotaru starts to realize Kachiko may be a toxic influence and begins to move away from her. Except she then forgets that and becomes her absolutely loyal henchwoman. Except she then decides to leave her anyway. Then, after years of buildup to the eventual conclusion of her arc, she decides she prefers Kachiko anyway, comes to rescue her, and her last act is one of open defiance against all her character growth while they die together.
Shoju suddenly forgets how to be both sarcastic and intelligent and keeps making stupid decisions while somehow staying in charge after making them. Everyone else has conversations about his all-encompassing intelligence despite this.
Tsukune goes from idealistic leader to full murderhobo in two or so fictions. Everyone who ever rooted for her (characters and audience) suddenly finds out with dismay that not only is she giving in to a petty tantrum, but to has thousands of heimin killed who were just standing there. Also, she is portrayed as wrong for thinking that her advisors are conspiring against her while her advisors are shown conspiring against her.
Kaede, after a lot of buildup about the powers she will able to demonstrate, will become an unintentionally hilarious walking exposition device who just sits there creepily while she could be useful in tens of ways.
Aramoro will become a walking plot device who will teleport to wherever he's needed to cause the most strife and kill people with plot armor at 110% of its power. Not a fiction will pass without him talking about how he wants to bone Kachiko and taunting Hotaru about it.
Ujiaki will assume a hunched leaning position against the wall as his default pose, and will always speak in the most sinister tone possible. He then will try to drive Shizue and Shahai against each other for reasons no one will ever understand cause the act doesn't make any sense. Then Shizue will openly announce to the court that he's evil with no proof but they should believe her and the political mastermind with tons of allies and connections and who is also a daimyo will quickly analize all his possible courses of action and determine that the move with the greatest possiblity of success is to break down crying on the floor like a wimp, at which point Shahai kills him with supercool meishodo skills. No one will be upset that such a high ranking authority is killed so unceremoniously and later on everyone will forget he ever existed. Benioff and Weiss state that this was because the intrigue in Rokugan had become irrelevant and the primary conflict was against Fu Leng, thus the schemer in their midst had to die.
Chagatai will give a speach about his love and care of his cousins. The he will burn one of his cousins alive because of some bad weather which is supposedly terrible but shown to be quite manageable and walk to his enemies like an idiot and die off-screen.
Kamoko will decide that the best way to enact the will of the Unicorn is to kill Dairu. Then she will decide that is not enough and kill Tadaji too. The audience shall chear when Aramoro shows up from nowhere and kills her along with her battle maidens.
A huuuuuuuge time will be invested in setting up the return of Fu Leng. When he appears, he has a fetish for slow, ominous walking. Shoju is suddenly worried about the state of the wall and sends Toturi and a bunch of others to get a zombie to convince people they exist despite everyone already knowing they exist. They mess up horribly and Tsukune goes to rescue them and succeeds but Tadaka is a zombie now. Zombie Tadaka breaches the Wall, at which point the Crab Clan will become an organization comprised solely by one dude who used to only spout one liners. When the final battle comes along, entire armies will be swallowed by the Shadowland horde but people with only a few months of training will resist agains 70 or so of each of them individually. Fu Leng gets stabbed by one of the Shosuro girls who Mario jumps behind her after running towards him for 20 metres in front of the entirety of his lieutenants, who will just stay there and do nothing. Once he dies, the entire army just dies like that. Which means the final villain wil be Kachiko after all, meaning that Ujiaki died for absolutely no reason.
Every clan that's not the Lion, the Crane, the Scorpion or the Phoenix will be treated like it never existed.