First attempt at Veers

By Shanturin, in Army Building

So, we finally got Veers and his cards, so hat we know what he's after in a list. :) With that in mind, here's my first attempt at him, trying to utilize his command cards best.

General Veers 85
- Esteemed Leader

Stormtroopers 95
- HH-12 Stormtrooper
- Stormtrooper
- Targeting Scopes

2x Stormtroopers 68
- DLT-19 Stormtrooper

2x Snowtroopers 40

Snowtroopers 50
- Snowtrooper

Speeder Bikes 100
- Long Range Comlinks

AT-ST 250
- General Weiss
- 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon
- AT-ST Mortar Launcher
- DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher

It seems like both Generals would be good pals, as Imperial Discipline, Evasive Maneuver and Spotter all seem tailor-made to support the AT-ST. So the plan is basically to Evasive Maneuver early, get both bikes, walker and rocket launcher into position, then Assault (on Veers and both Vehicles) turn 2 or 3 to unleash vehicle/rocket mayhem (with Veers' Aim). Next turn go for Imperial Discipline, probably leaving Speeders without an order (oh, well), repeat. Objectives? Don't worry, I have enough infantry to deal with those as well ;)

Looks good. I plan to run a similar list once we get him. I really want to squeeze in a few flamers on my snowtroopers for fun.. lol