The Nubian design collective's whole vehicle crafting handbook

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Hydrospace Corp Explorer Submersible (Strongholds of Resistance pg. 116)
Sil: 3, Crew: 4, Passengers: 2, Enc: 10, H:8, SST:6, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:3, Sensors: Short, Hand: +0, HP: 2, Wpns: 2

Walker Frame: 10 hull, 8 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers; Crafting Upgrades: Officers Quarters x1 - Crew=2, Passengers Quarters x`1 - Passengers=1, Integrated Improvements=Crew 4

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=6, Speed 1, 6 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed mod - Speed=2

Basic Hull: HP=6; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Walker frame), -2 Handling, Armor mod x2 - Armor=2, Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x1 - Enc.=15, Maneuvering Fins x1 - Handling=+0, Layered Plating x1 - Armor=3, Integrated Improvements - Amphibious attachment

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP - HP=7

Sensors HP=6

Weapons x2 HP=4

High Output Repulsors x2 - HP=2 ( just a guess on how to get a 5 km max depth)

Hydrospace Corp Explorer Submersible (Strongholds of Resistance pg. 116)
Sil: 3, Crew: 4, Passengers: 2, Enc: 15, H:10, SST:6, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:3, Sensors: Short, Hand: +0, HP: 2, Wpns: 2

5 higher Enc, 2 higher Hull

*As for the option for submersibles. Since the after market attachment is only 1 HP and relatively cheap (1000xSil/5), it would probably be easy to just add it in to the "Other Attachments". Problem with that is there is no Max. Depth listed under the attachment in Special Modifications. Maybe have it a 0/1 HP (based off of frame or hull?) attachment? Dunno, just brainstorming here.

Edited by Jareth Valar

MEV2 "Dug Digger" (Suns of Fortune pg. 107)
Sil: 3, Crew: 2, Passengers: 0, Enc: 100, H:10, SST:8, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:2, Sensors: Close, Hand: -1, HP: 2, Wpns: 1

Walker Frame: 10 hull, 8 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers; Crafting Upgrades: Officers Quarters x1 - Crew=2

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=6, Speed 1, 6 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed mod - Speed=2; Crafting Upgrade: Enhanced Output x2 - SST=8

Transport Hull: HP=6; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Walker frame), -2 Handling; Armor mod x2 - Armor=2, Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x3 - Enc.=35,

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP - HP=7

Basic Sensors HP=7

Weapons x1 HP=6

Cargo Bay x2 – Enc=95, HP=2

MEV2 "Dug Digger" (Suns of Fortune pg. 107)
Sil: 3, Crew: 2, Passengers: 0, Enc: 95, H:10, SST:8, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:2, Sensors: Close, Hand: -1, HP: 2, Wpns: 1

5 fewer Enc

Whelik All-Terrain Explorer (Disciples of Harmony pg. 59)
Sil: 4, Crew: 3, Passengers: 2, Enc: 100, H:20, SST:10, Spd: 1, Def: 0/0, A:2, Sensors: Long, Hand: -1, HP: 4, Wpns: 0

Walker Frame: 15 hull, 10 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers; Crafting Upgrades: Larger Scope – Crew=2, Officers Quarters x1 - Crew=3, Passenger Quarters x1 – Passengers=2, Extra HP – HP=11, Reinforced Frame x1 – Hull=16

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=9, Speed 1, 8 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Crafting Upgrade: Enhanced Output x2 - SST=10, Extra HP - HP=10

Transport Hull: HP=10; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Walker frame), -2 Handling; Armor mod x2 - Armor=2, Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x3 - Enc.=35,

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP - HP=11

Sensors HP=10 Sensor Range mod x2 – Sensor Range=Long

Cargo Bay x2 – Enc=95, HP=6

Reinforced Hull – Hull=20, HP=4

Whelik All-Terrain Explorer (Disciples of Harmony pg. 59)
Sil: 4, Crew: 3, Passengers: 2, Enc: 100, H:20, SST:10, Spd: 1, Def: 0/0, A:2, Sensors: Long, Hand: -1, HP: 4, Wpns: 0

5 fewer Enc

OK , @EliasWindrider that's all of them listed on Viluppo. I'll take a look through the other books when I can but I'm going to start on speeders (bike/air/land/swoops) unless you have other suggestions.

Last one for tonight and the beginings of the Speeder Bikes.

Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike (Age of Rebellion Core pg. 263)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 5, H:2, SST:4, Spd: 3, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +1, HP: 2, Wpns: 1, Max Alt: 25 m

Speeder Bike Frame: 2 hull, 4 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers, 1 Enc, Max Alt: 15 m; Crafting Upgrades: Passenger Quarters x1 - Passengers=1

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=2, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod x2 Speed=3,

Basic Hull: HP=2; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Speeder Bike frame), -2 Handling; Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x1 - Enc.=4, Maneuvering Fins x2 - Handling=+1

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP - HP=3

Basic Sensors HP=3

Weapons x1 HP=2

Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike (Age of Rebellion Core pg. 263)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 4, H:2, SST:4, Spd: 3, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +1, HP: 2, Wpns: 1, Max Alt: 15 m

1 lower Enc, 10 lower Max Altitude *

* Since you have the High Output Repulsor Coils that multiply the Max Altitude by 10, perhaps adding a single Advantage on the engines chart that allows you to just add a set amount or maybe just double the base. Could even limit it to being taken only once or up to Sil # of time?

Edited by Jareth Valar
8 hours ago, Jareth Valar said:

OK , @EliasWindrider that's all of them listed on Viluppo. I'll take a look through the other books when I can but I'm going to start on speeders (bike/air/land/swoops) unless you have other suggestions.

Thanks a lot

13 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Thanks a lot

Least I can, considering all the work you and others have already put in.

CEC D-22 "Screamer" Speeder Bike (Suns of Fortune pg. 104, 131)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 3, H:2, SST:3, Spd: 4, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 2, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 35 m

Speeder Bike Frame: 2 hull, 4 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers, 1 Enc, Max Alt: 15 m; Crafting Upgrades: Passenger Quarters x1 - Passengers=1

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=2, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod x3 Speed=4,

Basic Hull: HP=2; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Speeder Bike frame), -2 Handling; Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x1 - Enc.=4, Maneuvering Fins x1 - Handling=+0

Basic Sensors HP=2

CEC D-22 "Screamer" Speeder Bike
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 4, H:2, SST:4, Spd: 4, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 2, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 15 m

1 higher Enc, 1 higher SST, 20 lower Max Altitude *

* Another thought. A 1 Advantage “Increase Maximum Altitude by VSL.”? This way here you can easily accommodate the varying low altitude variations between speeders. 15, 25, 35, etc..

610-AvA "Dart" Speeder Bike (Savage Spirits pg. 53)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 9, H:2, SST:5, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +1, HP: 4, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 20 m

Speeder Bike Frame: 2 hull, 4 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers, 1 Enc, Max Alt: 15 m; Crafting Upgrades: Passenger Quarters x1 - Passengers=1

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=2, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod x1 Speed=2; Crafting Upgrade: Fine Tuned Circuits x1 – SST=5, Extra HP – HP=3

Basic Hull: HP=3; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Speeder Bike frame), -2 Handling; Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x3 - Enc.=10, Maneuvering Fins x2 - Handling=+1

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP – HP=4

Basic Sensors HP=4

610-AvA "Dart" Speeder Bike
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 10, H:2, SST:5, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +1, HP: 4, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 15 m

1 higher Enc, 5 lower Max Alt.

85-XS Odyssey Heavy Speeder Bike (Force & Destiny Core pg. 255)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 15, H:3, SST:4, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:1, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 4, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: None listed

Speeder Bike Frame: 2 hull, 4 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers, 1 Enc, Max Alt: 15 m; Crafting Upgrades: Passenger Quarters x1 - Passengers=1, Extra HP – HP=5

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=3, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod x1 Speed=2; Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP – HP=4

Transport Hull: HP=4; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Speeder Bike frame), -2 Handling; Handling mod - Handling=-1, Armor mod – Armor=1; Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x1 - Enc.=4, Maneuvering Fins x1 - Handling=+0, Extra HP – HP=5

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP – HP=6

Basic Sensors HP=6

Cargo Bay x1 HP=4, Enc=14

85-XS Odyssey Heavy Speeder Bike
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 14, H:3, SST:4, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:1, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 4, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 15m

1 lower Enc

Aratech 57-D Speeder Bike (Enter the Unknown pg. 58)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 10, H:3, SST:3, Spd: 3, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +1, HP: 3, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 20 m

Speeder Bike Frame: 2 hull, 4 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers, 1 Enc, Max Alt: 15 m; Crafting Upgrades: Passenger Quarters x1 - Passengers=1

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=2, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod x2 Speed=3

Basic Hull: HP=2; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Speeder Bike frame), -2 Handling; Handling mod - Handling=-1; Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x3 - Enc.=10, Maneuvering Fins x2 - Handling=+1, Layered Plating x1 - Hull=3

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP – HP=3

Aratech 57-D Speeder Bike (Enter the Unknown pg. 58)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 10, H:3, SST:4, Spd: 3, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +1, HP: 3, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 15 m

1 higher SST, 5 lower Max Alt

Edited by Jareth Valar

Joben T-85 Speeder Bike (Savage Spirits pg. 54)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 5, H:4, SST:6, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 5, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 25 m

Speeder Bike Frame: 2 hull, 4 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers, 1 Enc, Max Alt: 15 m; Crafting Upgrades: Passenger Quarters x1 - Passengers=1, Extra HP – HP=5

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=3, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod x1 Speed=2; Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP – HP=4

Transport Hull: HP=4; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Speeder Bike frame), -2 Handling; Handling mod - Handling=-1; Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x1 - Enc.=4, Maneuvering Fins x1 - Handling=+0, Extra HP – HP=5

Basic Sensors HP=5

Joben T-85 Speeder
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 1, Enc: 4, H:4, SST:6, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 5, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 15 m

1 lower Enc , 10 lower Max Alt

Undicur Jumpspeeder (Endless Vigil pg. 62)
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 0, Enc: 2, H:2, SST:2, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: None, Hand: +0, HP: 0, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 150 m

Speeder Bike Frame: 2 hull, 4 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers, 1 Enc, Max Alt: 15 m

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=2, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod x1 Speed=2

Transport Hull: HP=2; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Speeder Bike frame), -2 Handling; Handling mod - Handling=-1; Crafting Upgrades: Maneuvering Fins x1 - Handling=+0

High Output Repulsor Coils HP=1, Max Alt=150 m

Undicur Jumpspeeder
Sil: 2, Crew: 1, Passengers: 0, Enc: 1, H:2, SST:4, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: None, Hand: +0, HP: 1, Wpns: 0, Max Alt: 150 m

1 lower Enc , 2 higher SST, 1 higher HP

This might not be my place to say this but it looks like their needs to be a minus 5 and plus 5 Enc crafting options. Maybe it would cost 2 threat/advantage? Or perhaps plus/minus 1 enc opting that can be take a number of times equal to triple sil?

1 hour ago, BannerGuard said:

This might not be my place to say this but it looks like their needs to be a minus 5 and plus 5 Enc crafting options. Maybe it would cost 2 threat/advantage? Or perhaps plus/minus 1 enc opting that can be take a number of times equal to triple sil?

I named this is the nubian design collective for a reason, all suggestions are welcome and encouraged even if they aren't acted upon/adopted. For ships I wasn't going to bother with enc differences that small but for vehicles of sil 4 or less it seems to be somewhat important. We need a name/mechanic that implies something smaller than a cargo pod... maybe "storage compartment"? A storage compartment would be like a cargo pod but for 1 sil smaller (or a dedicated cargo bays but 2 sil smaller). But what would be the costing? Cargo pods are 1 advantage and anything less than that would be free in terms of difficulty. So maybe a zero hp attachment that only costs credits and you can only get 1 of these.

Off the top of my head, suggestions that have been suggested since the last update are:

  1. Speeder Bike, Landspeeder, Airspeeder, and Walker frames reduce the Armor granted by your Hull choice by 1. This way you can replicate any vehicle that does not have an Armor characteristic.
  2. Add an option for aquatic capabilities. While there are only 3 vehicles posted on Viluppo that are submersable (1 being a walker) there are plenty of aquatic cultures out there. Also, we see a few of them between Episode 1 and the Clone Wars series. Just think it would be a good addition.
  3. Add an Advantage option to adjust the Maximum Altitude by a set number (VSL is my suggestion). This way it makes it easier to model the variety of repulsor vehicles (I've seen everywhere from 1 m to 35 m for the "normal" altitudes)
  4. Adding an option for more precision variation to the Encumbrance characteristic.

Am I missing anything?

4 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I named this is the nubian design collective for a reason, all suggestions are welcome and encouraged even if they aren't acted upon/adopted. For ships I wasn't going to bother with enc differences that small but for vehicles of sil 4 or less it seems to be somewhat important. We need a name/mechanic that implies something smaller than a cargo pod... maybe "storage compartment"? A storage compartment would be like a cargo pod but for 1 sil smaller (or a dedicated cargo bays but 2 sil smaller). But what would be the costing? Cargo pods are 1 advantage and anything less than that would be free in terms of difficulty. So maybe a zero hp attachment that only costs credits and you can only get 1 of these.

Just a random thought. Since you can modify the cost of Cargo Bays with Frame and Hull choices, what about allowing additional Cargo Bays (beyond what you can do with Cargo Pods crafting mod) to be reduced by the difference in Sil? Example: I'm building a Sil 4 freighter but have an extra HP to make it match an existing ship and I'm 10 off from matching it exactly. I'd add a Sil 2 Cargo Pod to the ship for 1 HP and add 10 to my Enc. If I went with Sil 1 it would be 0 HP. I'd limit the number of 0 HP Cargo Pods to maybe Sil or Sil/2 or something, just to avoid someone from getting the bright idea of "Hey! I'll just but 100 Sil 1 Cargo pods!"

Just a random thought as I get ready for tonight's game.

5 hours ago, Jareth Valar said:

Off the top of my head, suggestions that have been suggested since the last update are:

  1. Speeder Bike, Landspeeder, Airspeeder, and Walker frames reduce the Armor granted by your Hull choice by 1. This way you can replicate any vehicle that does not have an Armor characteristic.
  2. Add an option for aquatic capabilities. While there are only 3 vehicles posted on Viluppo that are submersable (1 being a walker) there are plenty of aquatic cultures out there. Also, we see a few of them between Episode 1 and the Clone Wars series. Just think it would be a good addition.
  3. Add an Advantage option to adjust the Maximum Altitude by a set number (VSL is my suggestion). This way it makes it easier to model the variety of repulsor vehicles (I've seen everywhere from 1 m to 35 m for the "normal" altitudes)
  4. Adding an option for more precision variation to the Encumbrance characteristic.

Am I missing anything?

Light and heavy "Walker" frames,

Naming them ground vehicles instead of walkers so that they could be wheeled or tracked

Wheels increase the maximum speed (engines still need to support that speed) of ground vehicles

Can't recall whether it's already in the rules but the no shields modification of the ion turbine engine

5 hours ago, Jareth Valar said:

Just a random thought. Since you can modify the cost of Cargo Bays with Frame and Hull choices, what about allowing additional Cargo Bays (beyond what you can do with Cargo Pods crafting mod) to be reduced by the difference in Sil? Example: I'm building a Sil 4 freighter but have an extra HP to make it match an existing ship and I'm 10 off from matching it exactly. I'd add a Sil 2 Cargo Pod to the ship for 1 HP and add 10 to my Enc. If I went with Sil 1 it would be 0 HP. I'd limit the number of 0 HP Cargo Pods to maybe Sil or Sil/2 or something, just to avoid someone from getting the bright idea of "Hey! I'll just but 100 Sil 1 Cargo pods!"

Just a random thought as I get ready for tonight's game.

Not trying to be argumentative, it might help us replicate ships better but why would an inhabitant of the universe spend hp's on cargo pods when they could spend hp's on dedicated cargo bays and get a lot more enc? By inhabitant of the universe I am referring to any player trying to get the most out of a crafted ship, i.e. anyone not trying to replicate an official ship which is about 95% of the use case.

For what it's worth the reason I want the rules to be able to replicate official ships is not to replicate official ships per say but to balance crafted ships with the official ships, so I don't see much of a reason to add a mechanic that helps us replicate official ships when there are game mechanically better options for power gamers to select. (Btw I don't view "power gamer" as a derogatory term)

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Light and heavy "Walker" frames,

Naming them ground vehicles instead of walkers so that they could be wheeled or tracked

Wheels increase the maximum speed (engines still need to support that speed) of ground vehicles

Can't recall whether it's already in the rules but the no shields modification of the ion turbine engine

Noted. Complete forgot those. 😎

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Not trying to be argumentative, it might help us replicate ships better but why would an inhabitant of the universe spend hp's on cargo pods when they could spend hp's on dedicated cargo bays and get a lot more enc? By inhabitant of the universe I am referring to any player trying to get the most out of a crafted ship, i.e. anyone not trying to replicate an official ship which is about 95% of the use case.

For what it's worth the reason I want the rules to be able to replicate official ships is not to replicate official ships per say but to balance crafted ships with the official ships, so I don't see much of a reason to add a mechanic that helps us replicate official ships when there are game mechanically better options for power gamers to select. (Btw I don't view "power gamer" as a derogatory term)

Fair enough. Not taking it as argumentative.

And as for power gamer as a term, there is no wrong way to have fun unless it infringes on someone else. More that enough room for all in my book. 😎

11 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Light and heavy "Walker" frames,

Naming them ground vehicles instead of walkers so that they could be wheeled or tracked

Wheels increase the maximum speed (engines still need to support that speed) of ground vehicles

Can't recall whether it's already in the rules but the no shields modification of the ion turbine engine

Wary of wheels increasing the speed of walkers only because that would make a juggernauts speed 3.

I could also start stating some tanks that fog hasn’t added yet like the t-2b, tie mauler, ect. I all ready have most of the work done.

Maybe so rules for attacking minions with treads like using piloting check that dates damage dependent on you sil?

2 minutes ago, BannerGuard said:

Wary of wheels increasing the speed of walkers only because that would make a juggernauts speed 3.

I could also start stating some tanks that fog hasn’t added yet like the t-2b, tie mauler, ect. I all ready have most of the work done.

I was thinking heavy ground vehicles would normally have speed 1. Wheels getting them to 2.

At-at and at-te have speed 1.

Edited by EliasWindrider

That’s good idea.