The Nubian design collective's whole vehicle crafting handbook

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

59 minutes ago, Jareth Valar said:

Also, there are submersibles. I know there is the aquatic attachment, but should there be an option to to do so during creation? Personally I think it could just be an option for speeders, allowing their maximum ceiling to be used for maximum depth (with a different maximum obviously). Maybe a HP or 2 in the components section?

Maybe 1 HP to make it a submersible only (modifying the altitude to depth) and 2 HP or 3 HP to allow it to so both? Don't know if there is anything currently in fluff that does both really.


How many submersibles are there?

4 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I disagree that it's beyond the scope of the document, would think that there should be a two triumph "mass production ready" crafting upgrade on assembly, that sets the difficulty at the standard difficulty (not reduced by schematic) of each component, and simple success with no threat or despair is needed to duplicate it one of the components, the only thing advantageor triumph can be used for during mass production is lessons learned... and it just there to increase likelihood of success.

Fair enough. Just wasn't sure you'd want to tackle something like that in this, but I agree.

Would the production model still allow the components mods to utilized? Or is the general assumption that once assembly is reached the components can no longer be modded? I remember it being discussed somewhere on the forums a while back, but I can't recall if it actually was or just my brain working (lol, yeah right) the way it usually does...

7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

How many submersibles are there?

At the moment only 2 are stated on Viluppo, if there are any others in books after their last update, I'm not sure at the moment. But in general I was thinking on Gungan, Mon Calimari/Quarren, Nautolan, etc tech.

1 minute ago, Jareth Valar said:

At the moment only 2 are stated on Viluppo, if there are any others in books after their last update, I'm not sure at the moment. But in general I was thinking on Gungan, Mon Calimari/Quarren, Nautolan, etc tech.

If there's only two, I'm not sure it's worth it.

6 minutes ago, Jareth Valar said:

Fair enough. Just wasn't sure you'd want to tackle something like that in this, but I agree.

Would the production model still allow the components mods to utilized? Or is the general assumption that once assembly is reached the components can no longer be modded? I remember it being discussed somewhere on the forums a while back, but I can't recall if it actually was or just my brain working (lol, yeah right) the way it usually does...

I'm leaning towards no but it almost seems like sensors and life support, ought to be exceptions.

15 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

If there's only two, I'm not sure it's worth it.

Possibly not at the moment.

3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm leaning towards no but it almost seems like sensors and life support, ought to be exceptions.

Some would make sense. Perhaps having to spend money and time to disassemble to gain assess and reassemble? Dunno, just brainstorming ATM

Just now, Jareth Valar said:

Some would make sense. Perhaps having to spend money and time to disassemble to gain assess and reassemble? Dunno, just brainstorming ATM

For balance relative to official ships I'd say no to shields, engines, and hyperdrives.. shields are kind of funky as they can come from engines/hulls/attachments... the others two can just replaced with modded new instances but you can do that with official ships.

9 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

If there's only two, I'm not sure it's worth it.

I was incorrect. There are 3, and one of them is one of the walkers on the list. The Hydrospace Corp Explorer Submersible

AT-HCT (Force & Destiny Core pg. 256)
Crew: 1, Passengers: 6, Enc: 200, H:15, SS:15, Spd: 1, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Medium, Hand: -1, HP: 2, Wpns: 0

Walker Frame: 10 hull, 8 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers; Crafting Upgrades: Passenger Quarters x3=Passengers 3, Integrated Improvements x1= Passengers 6, Reinforced Construction x2=Hull 12, Extra HP - HP=9

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=7, Speed 1, 6 SST, Def 0/0/0/0, SST mod x3 - SST=15

Transport Hull: HP=7; 0 Armor (Base 1 -1 from walker frame), -2 Handling, ;Crafting Upgrades: Maneuvering Fins x1 - Handling=-1, Cargo Pod x3 - Enc.=35, Integrated Systems - Cargo Bay=Enc 75, Extra HP - HP=8

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP - HP=9

Sensors HP=8 Upgrade Sensor range mod x1

Cargo Bays x3 HP=2, Enc=165

Reinforces Frame Hull=15, HP=0

Crew: 1, Passengers: 6, Enc: 165, H:15, SS:15, Spd: 1, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Medium, Hand: -1, HP: 2, Wpns: 0

35 fewer Enc. Can get it to 5 fewer Enc with using the last 2 available HP

This one requires allot of advantage/triumphs to build. Had to do 3 instances of Cargo Pods and Integrated Improvements. Not sure if I am missing anything.

The description of it is being multi-legged with a big cargo bed and being very cheap (3000/3).

Edited by Jareth Valar
Error in construction: 2 too many Reinforced Construction. Needing to use last 2 HP for Reinforced Frame

You can only get 3x cargo pods

3 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

You can only get 3x cargo pods

*sigh* That's what I get for trying to do things when I can't sleep.

I will redo when I get back to my books.

Wow. I Feel so out of the loop. Came on only to realize that I was on page 14 of 27! I havent even had time to download the last few iterations of the project.

Just from skimming the thread...

I like the mothership / pod idea. Perhaps just call it mothership to pod clamps and pod to mothership clamps ( m2p or p2m)... although personally I'm not sure that pod is the best term to use since it could be a completely separate and distinct vessel in its own right. Perhaps master and slave? Some may take offense to that but this is star wars where slavery is a very real and common problem so the terminology would make sense in universe.

Also I really like the idea of using a triumph to add an extra widget beyond the stated limit.

Then there is the whole wheeled / track / Walker dilemma... perhaps a one advantage option to change from track to wheel or Walker... I know... I really need to look at the updated project / ruleset to know what I'm talking about before I open my mouth but hey, I've missed the collective!!!

As to armour... would it make more sense to just have the base frames start at 0 armour since it is rather easy to increase that through so many options... perhaps that is just on certain templates or maybe even all... I could be wrong but I think there are some other vehicles beyond the walkers with 0 armour. I'll check that later unless someone knows off hand the answer. Glad to see we are still going strong and as always hats off to all contributors with a special thanks to EliasWindrider

Edited by jayc007
1 hour ago, jayc007 said:

Wow. I Feel so out of the loop. Came on only to realize that I was on page 14 of 27! I havent even had time to download the last few iterations of the project.

Just from skimming the thread...

I like the mothership / pod idea. Perhaps just call it mothership to pod clamps and pod to mothership clamps ( m2p or p2m)... although personally I'm not sure that pod is the best term to use since it could be a completely separate and distinct vessel in its own right. Perhaps master and slave? Some may take offense to that but this is star wars where slavery is a very real and common problem so the terminology would make sense in universe.

Also I really like the idea of using a triumph to add an extra widget beyond the stated limit.

Then there is the whole wheeled / track / Walker dilemma... perhaps a one advantage option to change from track to wheel or Walker... I know... I really need to look at the updated project / ruleset to know what I'm talking about before I open my mouth but hey, I've missed the collective!!!

As to armour... would it make more sense to just have the base frames start at 0 armour since it is rather easy to increase that through so many options... perhaps that is just on certain templates or maybe even all... I could be wrong but I think there are some other vehicles beyond the walkers with 0 armour. I'll check that later unless someone knows off hand the answer. Glad to see we are still going strong and as always hats off to all contributors with a special thanks to EliasWindrider

Welcome back.

Most of the dicsussions for the above are on the previous page.

As for the armor situation, it's most of the speeder bikes and swoops, land speeders a number of air speeders and 4 walkers that have 0 armor. Elias came up with an idea that those frames reduce the armor granted by Hull by 1, which I have been using to test the walkers so far.

22 hours ago, jayc007 said:

Wow. I Feel so out of the loop. Came on only to realize that I was on page 14 of 27! I havent even had time to download the last few iterations of the project.

Just from skimming the thread...

I like the mothership / pod idea. Perhaps just call it mothership to pod clamps and pod to mothership clamps ( m2p or p2m)... although personally I'm not sure that pod is the best term to use since it could be a completely separate and distinct vessel in its own right. Perhaps master and slave? Some may take offense to that but this is star wars where slavery is a very real and common problem so the terminology would make sense in universe.

Also I really like the idea of using a triumph to add an extra widget beyond the stated limit.

Then there is the whole wheeled / track / Walker dilemma... perhaps a one advantage option to change from track to wheel or Walker... I know... I really need to look at the updated project / ruleset to know what I'm talking about before I open my mouth but hey, I've missed the collective!!!

As to armour... would it make more sense to just have the base frames start at 0 armour since it is rather easy to increase that through so many options... perhaps that is just on certain templates or maybe even all... I could be wrong but I think there are some other vehicles beyond the walkers with 0 armour. I'll check that later unless someone knows off hand the answer. Glad to see we are still going strong and as always hats off to all contributors with a special thanks to EliasWindrider

Welcome back. Your participation is always welcomed. The p2m and m2p clamp naming convention is a great idea that I plan to adopt. As for vehicles being called "pods" check out the consular cruiser in disciples of harmony (it has a "salon pod" which is a separate vehicle)

What about wheeled tanks? My party just stole a juggernaut how should I build the wheels\?

2 hours ago, BannerGuard said:

What about wheeled tanks? My party just stole a juggernaut how should I build the wheels\?

The mechanic I'm thinking is +1 speed but loses "all terrain" don't know what the all terrain mechanic is yet. The difference might be fluff description with suggested limitations and left up to gm

Edited by EliasWindrider
2 hours ago, BannerGuard said:

What about wheeled tanks? My party just stole a juggernaut how should I build the wheels\?

Could easily be done with the Walker frame. Just ignore the integrated legs and possibly increase speed by 1

*hmph* Ninja'd by Elias. :ph34r:

1 minute ago, Jareth Valar said:

*hmph* Ninja'd by Elias. :ph34r:

Is this an instance of great minds think alike or it takes 2 fools to share 1 thought 😆

HEY! I resemble that remark! 😝

So @Tramp Graphics your reaction reveales that you have read this thread, what are thoughts on the current draft of the ruleset. I won't promise to incorporate any changes you suggest but I will honestly consider/evaluate them (with my own approximation of) objectively (i said approximation of because no one can be perfectly unbiased but when [ generalized ] you are aware of/admit your own biases you can at least attempt to counteract them)

For the rest of the people in this thread, Tramp is an old friend from church that I met (circa 2004) when I was getting a PhD at the University at Buffalo. We frequently disagree on things and "argue like an old married couple" but we deal with it, so don't be surprised if a debate comes out of this and know that it's not as contentious as it'll likely sound... it's just how we communicate with each other.

Sorry about the hiatus. Glad to get back to this.

All Terrain Force Reconnaissance Walker (AT-FRC, Lead by Example pg. 51)
Sil: 2, Crew: 2, Passengers: 0, Enc: 10, H:5, SST:8, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:2, Sensors: Medium, Hand: +1, HP: 2, Wpns: 2

Walker Frame: 5 hull, 6 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers; Crafting Upgrades: Elegant Design, Integrated Improvements=Crew 2

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=4, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Speed +1 mod Speed=2, Increase SST mod x2 - SST=8

Basic Hull: HP=4; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Walker frame), -2 Handling, Armor mod x2 - Armor=2, Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: 2x Cargo Pod - Enc.=11, Maneuvering Fins x2 - Handling=+1

Assembly: Crafting Upgrade: Extra HP - HP=5

Sensors HP=4

Weapons x2 HP=2

All Terrain Force Reconnaissance Walker (AT-FRC)
Sil: 2, Crew: 2, Passengers: 0, Enc: 11, H:5, SST:8, Spd: 2, Def: 0/0, A:2, Sensors: Medium, Hand: +1, HP: 2, Wpns: 2

1 higher Enc

*Sound-Dampening Camouflage system

*For the extra systems that don't have equivalent attachments, should e use Integrated Systems to represent that or some other, as of yet unknown to me, way of handling them?

Edited by Jareth Valar

Hunchback Construction Strider (Far Horizons pg. 54)
Sil: 2, Crew: 2, Passengers: 0, Enc: 12, H:7, SST:6, Spd: 1, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 3, Wpns: 1

Walker Frame: 5 hull, 6 hp, 1 crew, 0 passengers; Crafting Upgrades: Elegant Design, Integrated Improvements=Crew 2, Reinforced Construction x2 - Hull=7

Single Ion Coil: 2 HP, HP=4, Speed 1, 4 SST, Def 0/0/0/0; Increase SST mod x1 - SST=6

Basic Hull: HP=4; 0 Armor (1 Armor -1 from Walker frame), -2 Handling, Handling mod - Handling=-1, Crafting Upgrades: Cargo Pod x3 - Enc.=14, Maneuvering Fins x1 - Handling=+0

Basic Sensors HP=4

Weapons x1 HP=3

Hunchback Construction Strider
Sil: 2, Crew: 2, Passengers: 0, Enc: 14, H:7, SST:6, Spd: 1, Def: 0/0, A:0, Sensors: Close, Hand: +0, HP: 3, Wpns: 1

2 higher Enc (or 1 lower with only x2 Cargo Pods)

Edited by Jareth Valar