The Nubian design collective's whole vehicle crafting handbook

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

16 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:


The Sentinel (AoR pg. 273) says 200 Encumbrance.

And yes, I'll try.

I think that there was errata on the sentinel although I don't remember what specifically

500 enc,

Edited by EliasWindrider
3 hours ago, Mon_Cal_Professor said:

I'd like to see focus on more of the Sil 3 ships and smaller. Not only do I personally like them, I feel they are more likely to be made by Engineers in non-engineer campaigns. As they generally can be made in the downtime between other more general story lines.

Do you have a list of favorites?


Thanks! I looked it up in my Errata file. It has a different stat block from the CRB.

BTW: Using the Transport Frame, I can get the Zeta close if we're shooting for both the full cargo and passengers (20 passengers instead of 50).

However, I think that I discovered a new option for the Assembly table (I'm thinking 3 Advantage) :

Modular Capacity (The Passenger capacity of the ship may be reduced on an as-needed basis to provide more cargo space, at a ratio of 10 Encumbrance per Passenger capacity sacrificed.)

I feel it needs to be Passenger capacity being used to provide more cargo, and not vice versa.

This would account for the Zeta's strange entry. It would also mean that it would only need 250 base Encumbrance and 50 passengers.

What do you think?

Okay, with my suggested option, I can get all 50 passengers, 270 cargo (which can be increased by reducing passengers as per the Zeta's stat block), and only needs 2 extra hard points for a third Reinforced Hull (either with 2 Extra HP options or an Integrated System option).

This is with a Single Ion Coil, and a Transport Frame and Hull.

Edited by salamar_dree

Okay, the errata'd Sentinel falls nicely in the rules.

It needs to score 2 of the Extra Hardpoint options, but ends up identical except for 10 extra Encumbrance (with 3 Cargo Pods options), or exact if it has a third Extra Hardpoint (no Cargo Pods, but an extra Cargo Bay).

I'd say that the Sentinel works!

14 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:


Thanks! I looked it up in my Errata file. It has a different stat block from the CRB.

BTW: Using the Transport Frame, I can get the Zeta close if we're shooting for both the full cargo and passengers (20 passengers instead of 50).

However, I think that I discovered a new option for the Assembly table (I'm thinking 3 Advantage) :

Modular Capacity (The Passenger capacity of the ship may be reduced on an as-needed basis to provide more cargo space, at a ratio of 10 Encumbrance per Passenger capacity sacrificed.)

I feel it needs to be Passenger capacity being used to provide more cargo, and not vice versa.

This would account for the Zeta's strange entry. It would also mean that it would only need 250 base Encumbrance and 50 passengers.

What do you think?

I'm thinking the name "folding seats" might be more descriptive, seems like a very reasonable thing to add though, my brain is a little fried at the moment. Thursday night I pulled something trying to get the cat out from under the futon to force feed him a pill

1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm thinking the name "folding seats" might be more descriptive, seems like a very reasonable thing to add though, my brain is a little fried at the moment. Thursday night I pulled something trying to get the cat out from under the futon to force feed him a pill

Folding Seats is great. Fits the theme of these transports.

Btw: Ouch! Sorry about the injury! Get better!

49 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:

Folding Seats is great. Fits the theme of these transports.

Btw: Ouch! Sorry about the injury! Get better!

That kind of thing happens more often as I get older (43 now)

Edited by EliasWindrider
6 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

That kind of thing happens more often as I get older (43 now)

It's not the age Elias, it's the mileage. 😜 I understand all too well (47 here). Heck, a couple of months ago I sneezed hard and felt a "twang" that was sore for hours.

BTW, hoping to get back to some things with this in the next bit. Was away from Star Wars for a while but hoping things get back up and running soon.

6 hours ago, Jareth Valar said:

It's not the age Elias, it's the mileage. 😜 I understand all too well (47 here). Heck, a couple of months ago I sneezed hard and felt a "twang" that was sore for hours.

BTW, hoping to get back to some things with this in the next bit. Was away from Star Wars for a while but hoping things get back up and running soon.

Welcome back. Consensus is to polish star fighters, walkers, and other small vehicles next. "First step" is to find problems that need fixing, and before that we need to come up with a list of vehicles to test. And I was thinking lets start with the modular pod rules but here's a problem

Laat/c is sil 3

AT-TE is sil 4

Come on ffg, having a smaller air speeder carry a larger walker?

Edited by EliasWindrider


Yes, that is irritating.

I feel like there are actually three "sub-silhouttes" per Silhouette that the vehicles fall under.

That Airspeeder is the largest Sil 3 vehicle and the Walker is the smalllest Sil 4 vehicle.

And I read the intro page on the airspeeders and many have two types of engines (repulsors and ions). With the altitude of the Laat, it probably does as well. Maybe that can help with the size difference in some way?

44 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:


Yes, that is irritating.

I feel like there are actually three "sub-silhouttes" per Silhouette that the vehicles fall under.

That Airspeeder is the largest Sil 3 vehicle and the Walker is the smalllest Sil 4 vehicle.

And I read the intro page on the airspeeders and many have two types of engines (repulsors and ions). With the altitude of the Laat, it probably does as well. Maybe that can help with the size difference in some way?

A lot of speeders are labeled 1 silhouette smaller than actual, for example the one on the cover of stay on target is listed as a sil 2 when it's significantly larger than an Awing, about the size of an arc 170, maybe even a little larger, which is sil 3. Laat's were capable of exoatmospheric flight, so they're a hybrid speeder/spaceship. I'm not sure the rules can build a regular laat/i (30 passengers is going to be hard to meet on a sil 3 speeder). I'm tempted to say ffg statted it wrong and build it as a sil4 transport.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Our table has been talking about the "unusual" (other words used at the table are NSFW, LOL) Silhouette choices for vehicles. We've discussed just re-assigning some of them away from their current Whisky Tango Foxtrot numbers. We'll have to sit down again post game and rehash some things out...when we can actually get back to playing Star Wars.

We even have one player that is loathe to change any rule scratch his head at some of the choices (and agree hat they are not appropriate) LOL


Actually the PTB-625 Heavy Bomber, the one on the front of Stay on Target, is a sil 4.

As for the LAAT/c, it's like a heavy lift helicopter, all engine and cockpit, no cargo other than a small amount of storage in the cockpit. The passenger space on the LAAT/c isn't enough for the crew of a AT-TE, so the AT-TE is fully crewed when dropped. And the additional rules on the stat block give it a special case just for the AT-TE, it's meant to drop the walker then scoot.

I'd count it not as a modular pod but as a attachment or mod of the frame to allow it to carry a specific vehicle, or limited type of object, of 1 sil larger. Either that or just count it as a modded LAAT that's using the free mag clamps from the Edge Core sidebar, not a Mothership/modular pod.

That's just my opinion.

As a side note on walkers, I don't think the all terrain legs vehicle attachment works for the walker frame. The attachment lets a vehicle function as a walker and if modded allows abuse misuse of the mods options (the removal of setback) that are inherent to the attachment itself, something walkers in game don't normally have.

I do think walkers need a cap on max speed, did the cap you used from the all terrain legs allow for the possibility to increase the race hull cap of 3 to 4 with a speed increasing attachment?

Edited by Gordian Naught
Additional thought.
13 hours ago, Gordian Naught said:


Actually the PTB-625 Heavy Bomber, the one on the front of Stay on Target, is a sil 4.

As for the LAAT/c, it's like a heavy lift helicopter, all engine and cockpit, no cargo other than a small amount of storage in the cockpit. The passenger space on the LAAT/c isn't enough for the crew of a AT-TE, so the AT-TE is fully crewed when dropped. And the additional rules on the stat block give it a special case just for the AT-TE, it's meant to drop the walker then scoot.

I'd count it not as a modular pod but as a attachment or mod of the frame to allow it to carry a specific vehicle, or limited type of object, of 1 sil larger. Either that or just count it as a modded LAAT that's using the free mag clamps from the Edge Core sidebar, not a Mothership/modular pod.

That's just my opinion.

As a side note on walkers, I don't think the all terrain legs vehicle attachment works for the walker frame. The attachment lets a vehicle function as a walker and if modded allows abuse misuse of the mods options (the removal of setback) that are inherent to the attachment itself, something walkers in game don't normally have.

I do think walkers need a cap on max speed, did the cap you used from the all terrain legs allow for the possibility to increase the race hull cap of 3 to 4 with a speed increasing attachment?

Thank you for posting! All feedback is welcomed/appreciated.

Regarding the bolded text, you do realize that you just said that you'd not count it as a modular pod but a modular pod docking clamp right? because that's the name I gave to the attachment you almost perfectly described (limited type of object is a modular pod with a particular silhouette/ form factor) the only difference is it maxes out at sil instead of sil+1. You do seem to have an issue with how I named the mechanic though.

The point with modular pods was to create a generic, widely applicable game mechanic instead of many very similar one offs.

Hmm, I somehow had the stats of the tempest wrong in my head

That (Walker speeds) will be one of the first things that I look at.

Edited by EliasWindrider


What if the AT-TE is the "mothership" and the Laat/c is the "pod"?


Thanks, thought I'd wrote my way into a hole with that, just couldn't see it.

Yeah, walkers (really all ground vehicles) need a little love. They don't have a lot of them in the system but almost every campaign has them. I'm right now running a campaign that is centered on the Inquisition and Imperial R&D working on a new walker program (something a little closer to mechs with hands, but not directly human looking) and the base creation rules don't quite fit.

Bringing up what @salamar_dree said about fusion cores last wednesday, I did post something on these a few months ago. They would work for Mod pods too, with a little reworking.

Edited by Gordian Naught
1 minute ago, salamar_dree said:


What if the AT-TE is the "mothership" and the Laat/c is the "pod"?

The way it is currently, movement is defined as either when they're the same silhouette or as mothership when the mothership is larger

2 minutes ago, Gordian Naught said:


Thanks, thought I'd wrote my way into a hole with that, just couldn't see it.

Yeah, walkers (really all ground vehicles) need a little love. They don't have a lot of them in the system but almost every campaign has them. I'm right now running a campaign that is centered on the Inquisition and Imperial R&D working on a new walker program (something a little closer to mechs with hands, but not directly human looking) and the base creation rules don't quite fit.

Bringing up what @salamar_dree said about fusion cores last wednesday, I did something on these a few months ago. They would work for Mod pods too, with a little reworking.

I won't to commit in advance to adopting or even adapting your rules but I would like to see them.


You could have a smaller pod used as a secondary means of locomotion, like flight or wheels in lue of the all terrain legs attachment. Or you could use the pods for modular loadouts like the Koensayr AD-15 from Special Modifications.

Here is what I posted on power cores:

The rules do have a special case in the Repulsor cluster that can't be used on starships. I propose 2 new entries in the Engines section, the "Fusion Core" & "Power Cells"

  • Fusion Core

Most common power generator throughout the galaxy, can be found in anything from a cooking unit to a AT-AT. This component can only installed into walker and wheeled landspeeder frames.

Material Price/Rarity : 1,500/2

Check : Average Mechanics check

Time : 1.5 days (36 hours)

Base Modifiers : Installing this core component changes a crafts speed to 2, defense to 0/0/0/0, and system strain threshold to 4 x silhouette.

Modification Options : 1 increase speed by one (to a maximum of 4) Mod. 3 increase system strain threshold by silhouette Mods.

Hard Points Required : 2

  • Power Cells

Power cells are used in application that have size or weight limitations, only down side to cells is that they need to be replaced or recharged. This component can only installed into walker and wheeled landspeeder frames of silhouette 3 or less.

Material Price/Rarity : 250/1

Check : Easy Mechanics check

Time : 12 hours

Base Modifiers : Installing this core component changes a crafts speed to 3, defense to 0/0/0/0, and system strain threshold to 3 x silhouette. On any Piloting (Planetary) check the GM may spend 4 threat or 2 dispair to have the vehicle looses all power and becomes motionless.

Modification Options : 2 increase speed by one (to a maximum of 5) Mods. 3 increase system strain threshold by silhouette Mods.

Hard Points Required : 1

With a little reworking these might work.

Edited by Gordian Naught

Wanted to run something through the Collective, if you think it belongs in it own thread I'll move it.

As I mentioned in a previous post I'm running a Empire R&D campaign. In this game my character turned NPC (when I took over as GM) is a droid tech savant working for the Inquisitorius as a engineer, now that I have took over as GM he's working on a new order of walkers and droids. Kind of combining them actually, during the process the program got seperated, large sil 3 droid program and the strider program. Striders are basically mechs with a single pilot and a droid (hardwired) copilot, the striders have hands like droids so they needed weapons that could be used with hands instead of just a hard point connection.

Here is the weapons I came up with, just wanted some like minded engineers opinions.

Silhouette 3 weapons - can be used by Striders and Droids

Anti-personnel weapon

Kisda Industries β€œKali” Auto-Blaster

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 20 (Superior included)

Critical : 2

Range : Long

Encumbrance : 25

HP : 3

Price : 12,200 cr (R) / Rarity: 7

Special : Accurate 1, Auto-Fire (only), Pierce 5, Prepare 1, Superior, only usable by silhouette 3 Droid or humanoid. (All statistics are personal scale)


Anti-vehicle weapon

K. I. β€œMountain Mover” MHPC (Mobile Heavy Particle Cannon)

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 6 (Superior included)

Critical : 3

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 35

HP : 2

Price : 16,500 cr (R) / Rarity: 8

Special : Breach 1, Knockdown, Prepare 1, Superior, Vicious 4. (All statistics are planetary scale)


Indirect-fire artillery weapon

Kisda Industries RI-4X β€œRainmaker” Artillery

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 7 (Superior included)

Critical : 3

Range : Medium (minimum range of close)

Encumbrance : 40

HP : 1

Price : 13,400 cr (R) / Rarity: 9

Special : Auto-Fire, Blast 5 (close range), Breach 2, Concussive 1, Limited Ammo 10, Prepare 1, Slow-Firing 1, Superior. (Uses planetary scale) A full reload costs 7,500 cr.


Missile pods - function per load out.

DRS-18 β€œWasp Swarm” Mini-Missile pods

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 8 (Superior included)

Critical : 3

Range : Long

Encumbrance : 27

HP : 0

Price : 9,000 cr (R) / Rarity: 7

Special : Accurate 1, Auto-Fire (only)(1 advantage activation), Blast 5, Knockdown, Limited Ammo 5, Linked 1, Superior. (Uses personal scale) Reloads cost 5,000 cr.

Kisda FRM-3 Concussion Missile pods

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 7 (Superior included)

Critical : 3

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 32

HP : 0

Price : 10,500 cr (R) / Rarity: 6

Special : Accurate 1, Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 10, Superior. (Uses planetary scale) Full reloads cost 7,000 cr.

Kisda Industries HH-09 β€œHedgehog” Anti-Infantry Missile Pods

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 12 (Superior included)

Critical : 2

Range : Long

Encumbrance : 23

HP : 0

Price : 12,000 cr (R) / Rarity: 8

Special : Accurate 1, Blast 7 (medium range), Limited Ammo 20, Pierce 5, Superior, Vicious 5. (Uses personal scale) Full reload costs 8,000 cr.

K.I. PIR-3 β€œPyre” Incendiary Missile pods

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 4 (Superior included)

Critical : 2

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 30

HP : 0

Price : 10,000 cr (R) / Rarity: 9

Special : Accurate 1, Blast 4, Burn 2, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 10, Superior, Vicious 3. (Uses planetary scale) Reloads cost 7,500 cr.

Kisda Industries GPR-1 β€œGopher” Bunker Buster Missile pods

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 9 (Superior included)

Critical : 2

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 40

HP : 0

Price : 22,000 cr (R) / Rarity: 10

Special : Accurate 1, Blast 9 (short range), Breach 9, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 4, Superior. (Uses planetary scale) Full reload costs 18,000 cr.

K.I. ARC-16 Ion Missile pods

Skill : Gunnery

Damage : 6 (Superior included)

Critical : 4

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 25

HP : 0

Price : 11,500 cr (R) / Rarity: 9

Special : Blast 6, Guided 3, Ion, Limited Ammo 6, Superior. (Uses planetary scale) Reloads cost 9,600 cr.


Silhouette 3 Melee weapons use planetary scale for damage all other aspects personal scale.

Irokini Mining β€œBreaker” Plasma Blade

(Long shaft with a contained plasma field along one side. Not a lightsaber)

Skill : Melee

Damage : 5 - planetary scale (Superior included)

Critical : 2

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 12

HP : 2

Price : 8,500 cr / Rarity: 5

Special : Breach 5, Sunder, Superior, Vicious 2.

Kisda Industries LI-90n β€œLegions” Strider Glaive

Skill : Melee

Damage : 2 - planetary scale (Superior included)

Critical : 3

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 24

HP : 3

Price : 5,500 cr / Rarity: 7

Special : Breach 1, Defensive 1, Knockdown, Sunder, Superior, Unwieldy 4. (Requires 2 hands to wield)

Kisda Industries Rancor Claws

Skill : Melee

Damage : 2 - planetary scale (Superior included)

Critical : 2

Range : Engaged

Encumbrance : 10

HP : 0

Price : 3,500 cr / Rarity: 6

Special : Breach 1, Linked 1, Superior, Vicious 4.

Irokini Mining β€œMangler” Repulsor Maul

Skill : Melee

Damage : 4 - planetary scale (Superior included)

Critical : 3

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 30

HP : 0

Price : 9,500 cr / Rarity: 7

Special : Sunder, Superior, Unwieldy 3, Vicious 2. (Requires 2 hands to wield)

Kisda Industries β€œLeviathan” Ion Pike

Skill : Melee

Damage : 5 - planetary scale (Superior included)

Critical : 3

Range : Short

Encumbrance : 18

HP : 0

Price : 9,900 cr / Rarity: 9

Special : Breach 2, Ion, Superior. (Requires 2 hands to wield)

Here are some of the ideals/rules I had come up with to govern these Striders and sil 3 Droids. Thoughts and critiques appreciated.

Star Wars Strider and Sil 3 & up Droid rules

All rules concerning droids are assumed to be ground bases bipeds or quadrupeds. Treaded, wheeled, or repulsor driven droid vehicles work under the normal rules for vehicles.
- Encumbrance for striders is = silhouette + armor x 10 (carried equipment for strider, like weapons, not gear for characters)
- Encumbrance fro Sil 3 droids is = silhouette + brawn x 10
- Striders use Piloting (Strider) Agility for there skill checks
- Silhouette 3 droids use coordination for there Piloting skill checks
- Silhouette 3 droids have speed = 1/2 Agility (rounded up, minimum of 1).
- Silhouette 3 droids have a handling of 0
- Striders pilots can make a brawl check using their brawl skill but using the striders armor as the characteristic for the skill check and the damage. Melee works the same way plus the weapons modifier.
- Striders and droids may take a incidental accelerate/decelerate maneuver to change there speed by up to two once a turn.
- Add in the additional actions & maneuvers from the Genesys system vehicle rules.
- Striders and Droids are not forced to move based on current speed.
- To pilot a Strider a character must possess a neural interface (brain port, neural bridge, headjack) or a cybernetic brain implant, to pilot effectively.
-Striders can be piloted without an interface, at a -4 to handling.
Edited by Gordian Naught

Here is a traditional walker I built using the current collective rules just to see what it could do. This is me not pushing the system to its limit, the character is a bit broken but in the rules (was played to this level before I took over as GM), and has maxed INT of 7 and maxed Mechanics of 6 both with cybernetics, and 2 upgrades from tools and 6 Boost die from tools and assistance from NPC's and Droid's. Forgot the Force Rating of 3 and a fully bought-out Manipulate Force Power Tree.

XAT-SS Mk.3 (Strider Prototype)

Silhouette:3 | Speed: 3 | Handling: +1 | Defense: 3/-/-/3

WT: 16 | SST: 16 | Armor: 4 | Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot/gunner

Passengers: 0 | Encumbrance: 15 | Consumables: 3 months

Weapons: Linked Medium Laser Cannon (1 hp) , Auto-blaster (1 hp) , Missile Pods (1 hp) , Linked Light Tractor Beam (all facing forward).

Attachments: Engineering Access (from hull crafting) , Oversized Weapon Mounts (Tractor Beam) with mod (integrated system) , Reinforced Frame (integrated system) , Sensors (1 hp) , Military Grade Shield Generators with mod (2 hp) , Encrypted Computer Core (0 hp) , Holographic Shell (2 hp) , Mobile Listening Post (2 hp) , Nightshadow Coating (1 hp) .

Walker Frame : => 8 hp, 10 htt, 1 crew, 0 passengers. | Mods : None. | Options : Extra Hard Point, Reinforced Construction x3.

Fusion Core Engine : 2 hp, speed 1; 12 sst; def 0/0/0/0 | Mods : 2 increase sst by sil. | Options: Fine-Tuned, Enhanced Output, Fine-Tuned Circuits x2.

Scout Ship hull : 2 armor, +1 handling | Mods : 1 Increase armor, 1 Increase handling, Add sil hard points and double crew, Increase consumables by 3 months, Increase defense in all zones by 1. | Options: Integrated Improvements (Oversized Weapon & Reinforced Frame), Engineering Access, Extra Hard Point, Layered Plating, Maneuvering Fins, Cargo Pod.

Assembly Options : Extra Hard Point

Edited by Gordian Naught
5 minutes ago, Gordian Naught said:

Here is a traditional walker I built using the current collective rules just to see what it could do. This is me not pushing the system to its limit, the character is a bit broken but in the rules (was played to this level before I took over as GM), and has maxed INT of 7 and maxed Mechanics of 6 both with cybernetics, and 2 upgrades from tools and 6 Boost die from tools and assistance from NPC's and Droid's. Forgot the Force Rating of 3 and a fully bought-out Manipulate Force Power Tree.

XAT-SS Mk.3 (Strider Prototype)

Silhouette:3 | Speed: 3 | Handling: +1 | Defense: 3/-/-/3

WT: 16 | SST: 16 | Armor: 4 | Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot/gunner

Passengers: 0 | Encumbrance: 15 | Consumables: 3 months

Weapons: Linked Medium Laser Cannon (1 hp) , Auto-blaster (1 hp) , Missile Pods (1 hp) , Linked Light Tractor Beam (all facing forward).

Attachments: Engineering Access (from hull crafting) , Oversized Weapon Mounts (Tractor Beam) with mod (integrated system) , Reinforced Frame (integrated system) , Sensors (1 hp) , Military Grade Shield Generators with mod (2 hp) , Encrypted Computer Core (0 hp) , Holographic Shell (2 hp) , Mobile Listening Post (2 hp) , Nightshadow Coating (1 hp) .

Walker Frame : => 8 hp, 10 htt, 1 crew, 0 passengers. | Mods : None. | Options : Extra Hard Point, Reinforced Construction x3.

Fusion Core Engine : 2 hp, speed 1; 12 sst; def 0/0/0/0 | Mods : 2 increase sst by sil. | Options: Fine-Tuned, Enhanced Output, Fine-Tuned Circuits x2.

Scout Ship hull : 2 armor, +1 handling | Mods : 1 Increase armor, 1 Increase handling, Add sil hard points and double crew, Increase consumables by 3 months, Increase defense in all zones by 1. | Options: Integrated Improvements (Oversized Weapon & Reinforced Frame), Engineering Access, Extra Hard Point, Layered Plating, Maneuvering Fins, Cargo Pod.

Assembly Options : Extra Hard Point

There is a restriction on military grade shield generators that they can only be installed on sil 5+ ships. Engineering access is restricted to sil4+. Unless you've got schematic down to simple difficulty on the hull, you wouldn't be able to attempt 5 mods without GM permission (he/she might disallow flipping destiny points to attempt impossible rolls at 5 purple difficulty).

I'm not putting weapons in the nubian... I might put grasping appendages.

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

There is a restriction on military grade shield generators that they can only be installed on sil 5+ ships. Engineering access is restricted to sil4+. Unless you've got schematic down to simple difficulty on the hull, you wouldn't be able to attempt 5 mods without GM permission (he/she might disallow flipping destiny points to attempt impossible rolls at 5 purple difficulty).

I'm not putting weapons in the nubian... I might put grasping appendages.

Ok, I am the GM in this case using my former character as a NPC that is doing these checks. That way the vehicles are actually built, instead of just pulling numbers together.

I wasn't suggesting the weapons for entry in The Nubian, I was looking for a review of them, by the posters here, with regards too game balance, before dropping them on my players. That is what most of the people on this thread are doing, to see if the ships created and rules proposed are balanced for the game. If you want it moved, I said i would.

As to the walker build, and a side note, I have never liked where the original editors placed the Restrictions on what can be placed on what. I always thought it should have been easier to see, instead of tacked on to the end of the descriptive text section. The reason I say this is, I completely overlooked the restrictions on those items. Could you place them either after the Benefit or the Hard Point cost In bold text, it would make missing them a little harder.

Why are those item restricted the way they are? A military vehicle of any size should be able to mount military grade shields and engineering access is something that is just ease of access to components of a vehicle, not necessarily actual crawlspace in the vehicle.

Another thing, a lot of the other restrictions in the core system and here seem to overlook the fact that not every attachment is going into a starfighter or spaceship, and that most of the attachments were made only for spacecraft. Here is a citation from Engineering Access "Starships can be designed to be easily maintained from within...", it's a oversight everyone has done. I see what you were doing with the description, but that sets up the restriction then placed on it, that the vehicle this is installed in has to be big enough to crawl through the walls and floor.

The difficulty of modding a item cannot be reduced by the schematic option, only the crafting difficulty of the original item. You can reduce it with the Master Artisan Talent, and depending on your interpretation of the talent on whether or not you can use it multiple times before attempting the check, you can get it down to easy on all the modding mechanics checks, first to last no matter how many. The talent doesn't specify that it can only be used once, just that the decrease/decreases is for the next attempted mechanics check and that the minimum you can go is easy.

Another side thought, what is the base communications range for a ship/vehicle? Can't find it in any of the books, and the Upgraded Comms Array is kind of meaningless without a base to increase.

Edited by Gordian Naught
expanded explanation
1 hour ago, Gordian Naught said:

Ok, I am the GM in this case using my former character as a NPC that is doing these checks. That way the vehicles are actually built, instead of just pulling numbers together.

I wasn't suggesting the weapons for entry in The Nubian, I was looking for a review of them, by the posters here, with regards too game balance, before dropping them on my players. That is what most of the people on this thread are doing, to see if the ships created and rules proposed are balanced for the game. If you want it moved, I said i would.

As to the walker build, and a side note, I have never liked where the original editors placed the Restrictions on what can be placed on what. I always thought it should have been easier to see, instead of tacked on to the end of the descriptive text section. The reason I say this is, I completely overlooked the restrictions on those items. Could you place them either after the Benefit or the Hard Point cost In bold text, it would make missing them a little harder.

Why are those item restricted the way they are? A military vehicle of any size should be able to mount military grade shields and engineering access is something that is just ease of access to components of a vehicle, not necessarily actual crawlspace in the vehicle.

Another thing, a lot of the other restrictions in the core system and here seem to overlook the fact that not every attachment is going into a starfighter or spaceship, and that most of the attachments were made only for spacecraft. Here is a citation from Engineering Access "Starships can be designed to be easily maintained from within...", it's a oversight everyone has done.

The difficulty of modding a item cannot be reduced by the schematic option, only the crafting difficulty of the original item. You can reduce it with the Master Artisan Talent, and depending on your interpretation of the talent on whether or not you can use it multiple times before attempting the check, you can get it down to easy on all the modding mechanics checks, first to last no matter how many. The talent doesn't specify that it can only be used once, just that the decrease/decreases is for the next attempted mechanics check and that the minimum you can go is easy.

Another side thought, what is the base communications range for a ship/vehicle? Can't find it in any of the books, and the Upgraded Comms Array is kind of meaningless without a base to increase.

I can put the restrictions in a section. Thank you for the usability improvement recommendation

Military grade shield generators might be poorly named but these are the big cap ship generators, initially I didn't have that restriction on them but it made it too easy for small (sil 4 and smaller) ships to max out shields. Sil4- ships have 2 defense zones, sil 5+ have 4, so modding hulls and engines (and crafting upgrades) goes a lot further on sil 4- ships. It's a balancing factor (because big ships should be able to get shields as high or higher than small ships). Also there are very few vehicles with shields greater than 2 and you can get 2 shields from engine and hull, and the rules are intended to let you have vehicles/ships on par with official vehicles/ships.

There's only 1 official ship in the game (the loronar e-9 explorer in enter the unknown) that has engineering access. It's sil 4. The idea is to make the ship easier to repair from the inside while in space, if you have it in atmo you can get to those systems from the outside. Personally if it was up to me I would have had engineering access remove setback dice rather than grant boost dice, and have a rule about repairing ships from the inside vs. outside add setback dice, but I didn't want to overrule RAW in this (or almost any) case. I added engineering access so that the nubian rules would be able to replicate the loronar e-9 explorer.

If you carefully read page 2 (first non cover/title page), right column near the bottom of the nubian design collective rules you will find that the base difficulty to modify a core component is the same as the difficulty to craft it, and schematic the difficulty to craft it also schematics the difficulty to mod it. I did that to make it a little easier to replicate ships.

This is a really messed up bit of RAW but the comm range is the same as sensor range which suggests that tie fighter pilots use hand held comlinks because they have greater range than the ships built in comms. Sensor RAW is generally messed up because Luke's xwing detected life of Dagobah from orbit in ESB but can't replicate that by RAW. Weapons and sensors should not use the same range bands but... yeah sensor and comm RAW is really really messed up.

I didn't take a close look at the weapons you posted but it wasn't clear to me what units the damage for the first entry was in 20 personal scale could be reasonable 20 vehicle scale would not. But seriously why not just use an eweb heavy repeating blaster as a rifle for this thing? I get that it may seem ironic for me of all people to say stick to RAW whenever possible, but the nubian design collective rules were designed to let players closely replicate RAW ships, or something on par with RAW ships and the crafting rules in F.O. don't replicate/adhere to the conventions of official published ships (the RAW starship/vehicle crafting rules are inconsistent with RAW ships)

Edited by EliasWindrider