The Nubian design collective's whole vehicle crafting handbook

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

As far as 5 week visits go it was pretty awesome, things didn't go perfectly smoothly but the real world isn't perfect so it went about as well as could be espected.

That is always nice to hear.

Get some rest (well, as much as you can between parental and work responsibilities)!

It's tough. My wife's family went back 2nd weekend in September. We had her 2 brothers and the one brother's wife and their 3 boys (2 to 15) and her parents here for about 2 months so I understand what you mean. I dont know about you but I love it when my mother in law is here... lots of good Caribbean food to eat... I always gain a couple dozen pounds when she is here... oh ok. Fine, I was exaggerating. But at least 5 anyway.

My wrists (right more than left are still in a damaged state, they were getting better but I re-injured my right wrist Wednesday playing with my son on the floor.

On 7/12/2018 at 9:49 PM, EliasWindrider said:

If we put in a 2*limit for the number of bays, rename the freighter hull to bulk freighter and restrict it to sil 5+, then 6 cargo bays would provide 480 enc + 20 for the freighter/shuttle-> transport frame base you get 50 enc, and you'd need to add 2 passenger berths to provide 30 passengers, with 4*2*2 (base with 2x integrated improvements) -> 46 passengers and you could increase the passengers slightly with frame crafting upgrades. With the 2*sil->8 bays+berths limit the maximum capacity of a sil 4 transport would line up pretty much exactly with the sentinel without having having to resort to multiple frame types. A dedicated cargo vessel could get another 160 enc by sacrificing passenger berths and then 3 cargo pod hull crafting upgrades. That seems pretty reasonable to me and is an extremely minor change from the current pdf

I did this as well as made a few other mods and corrections (fidgeted with hp costs of bays/berths), each passenger berth now adds VSLx10 to passengers FOR SPACE STATIONS, basically a lot of ships need to be rechecked

Edit: Fixed the link which wasn't working on my smartphone.

BTW I'm going to have very limited availability into December (we're buying a house/moving ... it's not quite a done deal yet but...)

EDIT: was reviewing the pdf and realized I forgot to update some tabels... will get to it when I have time... there are also a lot of TBDs that still need to be replaced with numbers.

Edited by EliasWindrider


Oh, and remember that the official Dev answer about Turrets is that they require 0 hp.

Weird, I know, but still RAW.

Good luck on the house buying!

16 hours ago, salamar_dree said:


Oh, and remember that the official Dev answer about Turrets is that they require 0 hp.

Weird, I know, but still RAW.

Good luck on the house buying!

Yup gotta remember to do that... it's hard to keep track of things... in the meantime assume a 3 purple difficulty for transports and I'm thinking 75K, the bulk freighter hull should be 3 purple (because of bulk they're big honking ships) I'm almost thinking that the race ship hull should also be 3 purple (smaller factor of safety)

On 10/31/2018 at 10:34 PM, EliasWindrider said:

Yup gotta remember to do that... it's hard to keep track of things... in the meantime assume a 3 purple difficulty for transports and I'm thinking 75K, the bulk freighter hull should be 3 purple (because of bulk they're big honking ships) I'm almost thinking that the race ship hull should also be 3 purple (smaller factor of safety)

Maybe there ought to be a 1 or 2 purple "basic" hull that be a lot like a transport hull in terms of stats and can't halve the crew capacity or double the passengers.

Average Difficulty is the lowest i would go, but a "no frills" economy hull that's easier and cheaper sounds like something a lot of companies would prefer.

Good idea!

Anyone want to try their hand at building a comercial space station (i.e. transport hull) now, in sizes ranging from sil 6 to sil 10? I need some feed back on what the base crew passenger enc and hp should be.

Edited by EliasWindrider


The link isn't working.


14 hours ago, salamar_dree said:


The link isn't working.


Try now...

Now it works! Thanks!

Thinking of adding a 1 triumph "mobile platform" crafting upgrade in the special section of the space station frame, this means it can move with either speed=1 or speed limited by the normal by silhouette table.

Also think of adding a "utility" hull, that provides some sort of bonus/function related to repairing/building other vehicles. And maybe mining or clearing terrain... harvesting I guess.


I was curious about space stations and Engines. Should they have some different options for power that doesn't involve movement?

Like, how do you determine System Strain and starting Defense without taking an engine? And if you do: doesn't it have a speed?

(The Death Star does, but most space stations don't.)

It seems like something that was overlooked in Fully Operational.

2 hours ago, salamar_dree said:


I was curious about space stations and Engines. Should they have some different options for power that doesn't involve movement?

Like, how do you determine System Strain and starting Defense without taking an engine? And if you do: doesn't it have a speed?

(The Death Star does, but most space stations don't.)

It seems like something that was overlooked in Fully Operational.

I don't think that it was an oversight BECAUSE....

adding zero speed engines would only be useful for space stations which seems like a waste of space/redundant with similar engines that also grant speed

The K.I.S.S. design principle says to simply strip the speed off of existing engines for space stations, and allow extremely slow speed (probably speed 1) as an upgrade to handle things like mobile space stations.

The Golan I Space Defense Platform (Fly Casual pg. 61) doesn't work with the rules.

First off, it only costs 26,000,000 credits (the base frame cost is 50,000,000).

Also, even with Auxiliary Generators and Reinforced Frames, you cannot reach the Hull Trauma Threshold of 300 and the System Strain Threshold of 150 with the available hardpoints.

It also needs Massive 4.

How close did you get with the hull trauma and strain?

Using 28 hp for Aux Generators and Reinforced Hull, I was still a combined 115 points shy.

I couldn't use Weapon Banks, because none of the Golan's weapons are linked.

I think that adding Sil points per unit on those items is fine if the ship is under a certain Sil. Perhaps it needs to go up at a certain point.

2 hours ago, salamar_dree said:

Using 28 hp for Aux Generators and Reinforced Hull, I was still a combined 115 points shy.

I couldn't use Weapon Banks, because none of the Golan's weapons are linked.

I think that adding Sil points per unit on those items is fine if the ship is under a certain Sil. Perhaps it needs to go up at a certain point.

Weapon banks don't require weapons to be linked, they permit them to be linked (either up to linked 3 or up to sil, I forget which)

Oh, okay. I misunderstood that.

Then it might be possible. Let me double check.


My apologies. That drops the weapons hardpoints needed from 39 to 8, leaving 31.

26-28 for Aux Gen/Reinforced Frame and it's very close to having the necesary hp (including 4 open for Customization).

Therefore, your build is correct, except for the price point on the frame (50 mega credits just for the frame vs. 26 mega credits for a complete Golan I).

BTW: the Golan I is probably a good baseline for Crew/Passengers (although I accounted for the Passengers by just using Dedicated Passenger Berths, so a much lower initial Passenger value would be fine).

On 11/12/2018 at 10:47 AM, salamar_dree said:


My apologies. That drops the weapons hardpoints needed from 39 to 8, leaving 31.

26-28 for Aux Gen/Reinforced Frame and it's very close to having the necesary hp (including 4 open for Customization).

Therefore, your build is correct, except for the price point on the frame (50 mega credits just for the frame vs. 26 mega credits for a complete Golan I).

BTW: the Golan I is probably a good baseline for Crew/Passengers (although I accounted for the Passengers by just using Dedicated Passenger Berths, so a much lower initial Passenger value would be fine).

What do you think about VSL x 200,000 credits (i figured that since space stations span 5 silhouettes, a single price wouldn't work)

So a sil 6 would be 7 million and a sil 10 would be 20 million, it doesn't seem to scale fast enough even with using the vsl. A sil 8 would be 13 million for the frame or half the cost of a Golan, I'm not sure if that's right on the money (pun intended ? ) too high or too low.