Esteemed leader blanks rolls
Lets make an example:
This card is on Veers. There is one trooper units in range 1 to Veers.
This trooper unit has Guardian 1 from this card.
Veers is under a ranged attack. Lets say the attacker does 3 hits against Veers.
Now the trooper unit with Guardian 1 can use the effect to cancel one hit on Veers. Veers still suffers two damage, he can normally roll against these.
After the cancel of the one die the trooper unit has to roll one defense die. And turn the surge fitting to his defense mod (to blank on a Stormtrooper). After this the trooper unit suffer 1 damage if the defense die is blank, and nothing if it is a shield.
Basically the guardian keyword split up the damage to the original target and the guardian defenders. And both have to roll their defense die against it.
42 minutes ago, Muelmuel said:
Yeah i believe so. I think the timing chart foe attacks says convert any surges to whatever the card says and if not change them to blanks.
After converting defense
surge (?) results according to its surge chart, the unit with the
guardian x keyword suffers 1 wound for each blank result.
Convert Defense Surges: The defender changes its
defense surge (?) results to the result indicated on its
unit card by turning the die. If no result is indicated, the
defender changes the result to a blank
This is in the RRG, under Guardian, and then under "Attack". So yes, you convert surges as per the chart, which means if nothing is indicated, it becomes a blank.