Got to play my first 800 point game tonight, here's what went down.
Rebel Troopers on Standby
Speeder Bike activates just outside range to Trigger the standby attack and does a compulsory move
It is now in range of the Troopers, and does a ranged attack.
This attack does damage.
My friend and I agreed that since there wasn't any language noting an interrupt that the speeder bike attack happened before the standby triggered.
Now that the attack was successful in doing damage which of the following happens:
A) The troopers receive a suppression token thus removing their standby token
B) The standby attack goes off before the suppression token is added and the troopers get to use their standby token to move.
We took it to a roll off and the interpretation more favorable to me won (block vs surge), but we're curious about next time.