22 hours ago, DerBaer said:It just feels wrong.
If I'm not able to attack those two figures, that are behind terrain, that completely blocks line of sight, then they should not give cover to the unit. Because all figures I'm able to attack have no cover at all.
You have to use some imagination to make the abstract rules work (as with any game and ruleset).
In this case perhaps the attacker first saw the two minis jolting for cover and started shooting, but as the rest of the squad appeared they shifted their aim!
The area of a unit of miniatures shouldnt be seen as their actual physical positions at this specific point in time but more as their current area or operation.
The rules are designed to offer tactical decisions while still being easy and most of all QUICK. Here and there there will be situations that feel weird but for your example, if things worked the way you think it should then people would spend tedious amounts of time to position their minis with mm precision...I for one is very happy stuff like that is removed from legion.