After the Imperial regime had taken over the greater Austin area, a small group of rebel insurgents would not stand idly by and let the Empire sow their lies and deception. The rebels were taking the fight to the Empire!
Battle Cards:
Condition - Rapid Reinforcements
Deployment - Major Offensive
Objective - Key positions
Round One -
The rebels had initiative with their smaller force, electing to take and move first. They focused all their attention on the two objectives closest to them, which also happened to be two building fairly close to each other, while the Imperials sent their AT-ST to the far end of the board and focus on the uncontested token and send the rest of their troops, led be Vader, to meet the rebellion. Both sides advanced cautiously in the first round, with 1 rebel troop touching one objective, and the AT-ST taking the other on the end of the board. All other troops from both sides closed in on the objective closest to the top. The rebels sent their T-47 around some terrain to start weakening an exposed stormtrooper squad, the empire lost no units. Meanwhile, another squad of stormtroopers armed with a rocket launcher took the T-47 (with cover 2) down to 1 wound left. Vader was able to get in range of the speeder and throw his saber at it, to finish the T-47 off. (Side not here, When setting up, the T-47 was behind cover 2 and in a good position. My opponents stormtrooper squad was favored by the force and rolled like a madman, while I rolled no blocks).
Round Two - The AT-ST parked itself on the far left side of the board, being the lone man to take that objective. However, it was out of range of all other troopers, so the only thing it was able to use was the mortar launcher, and with quite a bit of terrain, it was fairly easy to line of sight him and make him a relatively low impact. The Both Rebels and Vader moved onto the heavily contested objective, and the imperials quickly dispatched one of the rebels AT-RTs with another force driven attack. At the end of round 2, the imperials had to reinforce first, opting to put a trooper unit with the AT-ST. Since the Rebels saw this, the opted to reinforce the heavily contested point, trying to take a big part of the imperial force out of the picture. The Imperials had now taken out two Rebel (T-47 and AT-RT) while the Imperials had suffered relatively no casualties.
Round Three - Luke was able to lead his troops on a first attack and engaged Vader in the middle of the objective, and took him down to 1 wound after attacking him twice. After Vader put 3 wounds on Luke, an AT-RT finished Vader off in melee. Vader was down, and things slowly started to even out again. Before Vader was taken down, though, he had sown so much fear into the rebel troopers near him, that two units had taken 3 suppression tokens, rendering them much less effective. With some helpful rolls, the rebels only suffered 1-2 casualties in a unit, and had inflicted far more wounds on the Imperials.
Round Four - From this round, it was clear the Imperials had to get the AT-ST and other trooper unit involved. They abandoned their objective on the far left to put more pressure on the contested objectives. While one lone rebel commander held an objective, the only Imperial squad facing him was not able to finish him off. Another reinforcement squad took that attacking stormtrooper unit down to 2 stormtroopers. Luke was able to clean up another stormtrooper unit hiding behind a cliff, while the AT-RT with him decided to take cover and get out of line of sight of any imperial units. No big casualties for either side this round other than the storm trooper unit.
Round Five - The Imperials went first and tried to finish off the loan squad leader holding an objective, but weren't able to since they were down to two models. The rebels that had reinforced to deal with that unit initially now had their eyes on crippling the encroaching AT-ST. They were able to land an ION token onto the AT-ST, which proved critical since it was not able to move that round, opting to shoot back at those rebels.
Round Six - Luke was able to activate first here, and opted to run out and force push an entire stormtrooper unit off the board, and had moved back to base contact with the previously contested objective. The AT-RT swooped down to reinforce the objective held by the lone leader of one of the objectives, making it impossible for the imperials to capture the last two points. The Imperials only had 2 units left, while one when for his previously uncontested objective to hold that, it left only the AT-ST to contest the final objective. Since the Rebels had two units on that, they were able to claim victory!
Post match thoughts:
First - I live in Austin and Imperial Terrain attends our events and brings a lot of his stuff. Playing with his terrain was amazing, and made such a fun game. Also... Rapid Reinforcements is really fun. I've played 2 800 point games now, and both have felt very different with the Battle Card system. I'm a big fan of that.
I was fighting a huge up-hill battle after rounds one and two. Since the Imperial player had insane rolls (one stormtrooper unit did 6 damage through cover 2) and took out my T-47 on the first turn, and losing an AT-RT with a laser cannon on turn two, I was quickly losing hope. But since the Imperials had to place their reinforcements first, he opted to put a unit and the far end of the board so I couldn't swarm his AT-ST with my reinforcements. This was a very pivotal point in the game, since I then decided to focus everything on the two objectives on the other side of the board. Luke came up huge in this game, although I lost my AT-ST to Vader in round two, it put Vader in a position that Luke could take him down with the help of the remaining AT-RT. Once Vader was down, having 3 trooper units, Luke, and an AT-RT with a flamethrower to hold the two points, it was very hard for the Imperial to take those back.
Suppression played a HUGE part in this game. 2 Of my trooper units only had 1 action rounds 2-6 since they were dealt so many suppression tokens. I think I'll take out the Z-6 and add another Ion trooper to my 3rd unit.
Lists below:
Edited by jgibbs2