Painting "Special Troopers"

By ricoratso, in Painting

So I just bought the core set and two stormtrooper kits and I was wondering how the paint jobs could possibly cause confusion and problems in the case of specialty paint jobs. For Shock Troopers or Death Troopers, obviously their helmets and suits look differently, but will it be a problem if these current models are painted like them? What happens if an actual Death Trooper expansion hits in a later wave? Will there be regulations that determine what can be painted?

I might be overthinking this but this is my first wargame and my first painted miniatures asides from D&D.

Thanks for any help

There usually arent any regulations that restrict your creativity. The rule of thumb is as long as you can tell what the unit is your gtg. If you want to do deathtroopers now do it. If deathtroopers come out and you dont want to have regular stormies in black you can always give them a bath in simple green and repaint them white.

1 minute ago, flightmaster101 said:

There usually arent any regulations that restrict your creativity. The rule of thumb is as long as you can tell what the unit is your gtg. If you want to do deathtroopers now do it. If deathtroopers come out and you dont want to have regular stormies in black you can always give them a bath in simple green and repaint them white.

Ahhh fair point, thanks for the quick response and example of how to fix it.