Al's Painting thread (latest progress 10 May)

By Alan Noir, in Painting

You really nailed Krennic’s face, as well as hair color. Odd to point out, but it’s so hard to get the graying hair transition for a model at this scale

56 minutes ago, joewrightgm said:

You really nailed Krennic’s face, as well as hair color. Odd to point out, but it’s so hard to get the graying hair transition for a model at this scale

Thanks you. I dont really remember how I did it tbh. I think i used really watered down fleshtones for the hair and it somehow got that salt and pepper look. Maybe very desaturated greyish browns.

Edited by Alan Noir

Haven't done anything substantive in a while. Fairly pleased with this though the camera shows up a few things to correct. Lovely sculpt.


Love the Tattoine buildings.

Edited by Achinadav
15 minutes ago, Achinadav said:

Love the Tattoine buildings.

Thanks very much. I have a few more to go, once I can afford some more 3d printed pieces (Corvus Games - highly recommended)

Little WIP. I'm loving these sculpts


Edited by Alan Noir

They look great!

Another WIP


Insta @abbmodels

This ol quarantine is great for the backlog. Knocking out a load of Lord of the Rings minis too.







As I said at the start of this post, my interest in legion was shared with my younger brother (I'm 34, he's 18). Since then he's really come on quite a bit with painting. At first I used to supervise the painting a lot, but now he's left to his own devices and I just do a few touch ups after. Here's some things he did that I had little to no input on. Most have a few small highlights and details to go, but I think he's doing great.







Currently working on this. Taking my time as I ruched the core set version and was never happy with it.


Nice job!


Finally got my lightbox and camera in sync. Wanted this squad to be a bit battle worn


On 4/26/2020 at 6:18 AM, Alan Noir said:

Currently working on this. Taking my time as I ruched the core set version and was never happy with it.


You really nailed the helmet shine effect!

We had quite a productive weekend. Still a bit to go on some others, but these are 100%
