Orlando, FL

By Crabbok, in Organized Play

I am in the Orlando area too. Where are you guys/gals playing? Every place I have contacted states no one is playing.

Sci Fi City is where I'm playing most of the time. I believe there is a tournament this Saturday at Coolstuff Waterford, but I won't be able to make it.

Here's our facebook group if you want to coordinate games.


Cool I like Sci-Fi City. I have been to a couple of their Star Wars Sundays in the past. Are you using their terrain tables or are you bringing your own terrain. I am working on a Death Star/Star Destroyer interior table for some Close Quarter Combat.

My local Coolstuffinc staff looks at you funny if you talk about anything not related to card games. I guess I will have to start calling around again. I really don't feel comfortable doing the social media thing anymore after identity theft years ago.

I plan on being at Epcot on Saturday and Epcot trumps everything!

I'm in Ft. Myers. Come on down....

@Crabbok just checked out your Batreps videos, and see you are using Sci-Fi City tables.

Looks like you guys are having fun with this game and that is what it is all about. Liking the desert city type table when you ran two AT-ST's.

Your Hoth/Starkiller base table @Mini Duels is a nice set up too.