800 point Imps with minimal purchases

By ScummyRebel, in Army Building

Using my core set, one stormtrooper pack, and one AT-ST I come to:

Vader, reflexes, saber throw

Storm 1-2 - DLT + extra trooper

Storm 3 - Targeting scopes, extra troop, HH12

Speeder bike - long range comm

AT-ST - mortar + concussion grenade launcher

Comes to 798. The idea is stormies complete objectives, Vader and the AT-ST work to create no go zones. The HH unit is there to give me something besides the AT-ST that can help damage through rebel armor.

Any ideas for getting more efficiency out of these guys?

For now I’m trying to make slow, deliberate purchases to make sure I’m buying what will actually get used.

Honestly this is really close to my go to list for now. It's got a bit of everything which is fun to play. I do plan on using veers instead when he comes out though.. i feel like an extra speeder bike and trooper unit will be really handy.

9 hours ago, oddeye said:

Honestly this is really close to my go to list for now. It's got a bit of everything which is fun to play. I do plan on using veers instead when he comes out though.. i feel like an extra speeder bike and trooper unit will be really handy.

Veers is probably my next purchase, however I want to see what goodies the Empire has coming following the Han announcement.

Why targeting scope on the hh-12 stormtrooper unit?

16 hours ago, Oberron said:

Why targeting scope on the hh-12 stormtrooper unit?

To make sure the HH hits home when fired?

22 minutes ago, Soulless said:

To make sure the HH hits home when fired?

Is it worth it to spend points to improve an action you'll only use maybe twice? The hh12 is pretty restricted on when you can aim+fire.

4 minutes ago, Oberron said:

Is it worth it to spend points to improve an action you'll only use maybe twice? The hh12 is pretty restricted on when you can aim+fire.

It might :)

as you say, you might only get off a shot with the HH once or twice so you want to make those shots count, any extra reroll is a possible extra crit!

1 minute ago, Soulless said:

It might :)

as you say, you might only get off a shot with the HH once or twice so you want to make those shots count, any extra reroll is a possible extra crit!

Relying on a 1/8 is not a good idea.

For cheaper he can switch to another dlt and get scopes on all 3 troopers, or switch to dlt and get the 88twin laser on the atst which will do more damage than the hh12.

Until veers comes out the hh12 and the dtl over two turns is about the same damage because of the reloading and unable to fire after moving g

14 minutes ago, Oberron said:

Relying on a 1/8 is not a good idea.

For cheaper he can switch to another dlt and get scopes on all 3 troopers, or switch to dlt and get the 88twin laser on the atst which will do more damage than the hh12.

Until veers comes out the hh12 and the dtl over two turns is about the same damage because of the reloading and unable to fire after moving g

I guess, aim tokens will be scarse as you have to recover so yeah youre right.

I am running very similar list myself:


Darth Vader 200
Saber Throw, Force Reflexes,

Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Impact Grenades,

Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper,

Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper,

AT-ST 195
88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon, DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher,

74-Z Speeder Bikes 90

Ive played it 3 times (and had 3 games total ;) ) and so far as im concerned:

1. 3 squads of infantry is not much and such lists are very vunerable to anti infantry weapons. I had a breakthrough scenario in all 3 games and i managed to get only one squad once in the enemy deployment. Two other games my infantry was reduced to 1 squad or whiped out compleetly (at rt with rotary blaster, luke skywaker and airspeeder are all extreemly good vs infantry)

2. Vader is very difficult to make a value out of him. Keep him too far behind and he wont do anything, rush too far forward and he will be focused down easily.

3. Speeder bikes, although very strong vs infantry because the can just fly past the cover and fire a clear unobstruced shot, die very very fast to anti infantry fire so z6 trooper or again rotary blaster are strong choices vs them.

4. AT ST is strong, but you must think when using it. With this loadout it can whipe whole squads with blast or pick out those armored targets with impact 4 and 9 dice attack

5. It might be difficult in that wierd 4 corners deployment with that few units because even though you are outnumbered heavily you must split your force to both zones that weakens you even more.

For my own list i consider dropping speeders and instead take 2 squads of snowtrooper both with extra trooper and impact grenades(also dropping hh12. Then snowtroopers are my offencive force and anti tank squads with at st and snowtroopers focuses on gunning down infantry with their dlts.) For now Im looking for a strategy to use this list, maby run at st forward and ensure it does as much as it can while stormtroopers run for better positions to reach the objective.