Campaigns vs Tournaments?

By LordUrban, in Organized Play

Just wanted to get some discussion going within the community. Are you more interested in games linked by a campaign, competitive tournaments, both or neither?

I guess both. I like tournament play, but those mysterious Operations I keep hearing about seem super awesome ;)

I think that campaigns/leagues tend to be better at building a community for the game. Tournaments are great but not everyone wants to spend an entire day and pay in to play 3 games. I am very curious to see what the Recruitment Kit offers for these linked events they talked about in the preview article.

I'd personally like to run an escalation league in April but it may just turn into a regular league. The group at my FLGS was tired of the Launch events before the end of the day on Saturday, and moved on to regular 800 point games to see how the "real" game played.

I am definitely more interested in a campaign/operations.

And ditto on the fact that we're ready for 800 pts.!

Maybe not a painted 800 yet, but 800 nonetheless.

Keep tournaments special, annual or semi-annual. Give swag and support to regular participation (as is currently the plan, it looks like) whether that be weekly, or a monthly day-long event or both.

3 hours ago, kac said:

I am definitely more interested in a campaign/operations.

And ditto on the fact that we're ready for 800 pts.!

Maybe not a painted 800 yet, but 800 nonetheless.

I got my 800 painted! The benefits of having a knee surgery the week before this game dropped. Sadly I go back tomorrow. But I got the core set plus one of each rebel expansion painted!

Since terrain is very important in this game, I wonder how FFG is going to handle terrain for tournaments. Also how the terrain is placed.

5 hours ago, Ken on Cape said:

Since terrain is very important in this game, I wonder how FFG is going to handle terrain for tournaments. Also how the terrain is placed.

Well the next wave is including more scenary with some additional cards for objectives...

Whats the talk about operations, campaign mode sounds very interesting.