
By ab10acl, in Painting

Hey guys I'm planning on doing my imperials on mustafar themed bases and am using agrellan earth.

Never having done this before do you think i will be able to glue the minis on after completing bases or will this affect adherence?

Thanks guys

I'm using Martian Ironearth for my bases and glued them on before applying the base material just to be sure they would stick. Even if they should be fine, I just didn't want to risk it.

Generally, you just want to make sure the miniature is glued to the base itself. The choice about when to make that happen is up to you, but if you paint them separately, you'll need to remove the paint from the places you plan to glue.

You can do it either way. Plastic is light enough that super glue will adhere it to just about anything. If you paint first, the paint itself becomes the weakest connecting layer between the model and the base, but the Legion models aren't dynamic enough that that's really a problem unless you're going to throw them in a shoebox when you're done.

Personally I glue my models first and do all the major things I am going to do and then put down whatever I am using as the base carefully avoiding getting stuff on the model until I start dry brushing, then I intentionally miss and make the legs dirty. I use Stirling Mud then dry brush ushitabi bone for most armies then toss on a bit of lichen or grass. Then I do the edges of the base in a complementary color. Dark grey for my white star phantoms, dark red for my brass and red Spartan Minotaurs(who have a grey and snowy base). Basing is easy and simple and even a two tone base can turn a bland mini into a good mini on the tabletop.

Thanks everyone thats all really helpfull. Hopefully I'll post sime pics up when i get them all finished!