Arkham Horror Toolkit Alternative?

By groden1h, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Does anyone know if there is a website or downloadable program that functions similarly to the official toolkit that FFG decided to abandon?

I loved that the app displayed detailed images of the maps and card backs and fronts, but at this point I'd settle for a basic card randomizer with just the necessary card details.

It's a shame they aren't investing in this game beyond reprints. What I like about AH vs Eldritch is, with the expansions especially, AH lends itself to allow (even encourage) the players to craft their own, specific, Lovecraft experience. You can tweak the rules here and there in interesting ways to get the best out of the expansions you are incorporating. I really felt it lends itself well to that. Part of it is I don't think the mixing of expansions was that well playtested. It's magically odd that way. Perfect in it's imperfections. I think that's why FFG doesn't quite know what to do with it.

If they did do a new edition, one thing I would ask they change is the layout of the Mythos cards. We just played the other night and kept having to remind the newer players that when they draw the mythos cards, look to the bottom left, we do the gates first, then the monster movements on the bottom right, then the clues, then read the card top from bottom like a normal person. The other would be stands specific to Arkham monsters to help track Monster Limits (I've since made my own), Gate stands so they aren't lost on the board (have since got some on Etsy), 3D elder signs that also stand out on the board, and a Scythe Legendary sized box to store everything in.

One can dream.

Thank you!

I apple looks cool but doesn't include location cards like the FFG Toolkit.

The google store one does look like it handles location cards but I don't have an android product :(

Thank you though for sharing these.

Well, there are also a few for PC so if you have a laptop that might be an option. I have an iPhone and a Samsung tablet so my options are a bit more open. Sadly the Android one seems a bit finicky on my OS version.

yeah this doesn't bode well for support of the Mansions of Madness apps in future??

I have an iPad I keep around with the old iOS version on it in order to run this app and the WHFRP3 dice roller. Shame FFG couldn’t be bothered to update these apps to 64-bit. Doesn’t take much to convert them.