Discord text game?

By Kaiba6798, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

Is anyone doing a discord or similar platform based game?

Our play area is just starting to get into the game and i wanted to get some experience playing with people before it happens in life here

Same here with the 5e game. I have experienced L5R since 1998, but it seems like everyone in my region still into Samurai have got their heads way up the old canon/4th edition's rear ends and the ever rare occasion that someone tries to run a 5e Beta game on Roll20 it gets filled quickly.

Yes, I am running one, but my group is full.

Tales of Rokugan is running a game but doing 4ed instead of 5th since 5th is still beta

Thanks for all the help.

We haven't started yet and are trying to get setup. What we plan to do is have our RP work going but also use the card events to help determine a story based on the conflicts and results from each event (or set of events)