2x2 Rippers with Rank discipline

By Church14, in Runewars Tactics

My general question is: Why?

A little more: I’m struggling to see the value at 42 points when i can grab two 2x1s for 44. Now, I feel in the minority as it seems a LOT of posted Uthuk lists have this. The two smaller units provide more flexibility for objectives and more opportunity for flank charges and attacks. That makes the damage output actually higher for me. Redundancy in dials makes for some activation sinking mechanics that come in handy. I do get that the 2x2RD gives you some wounds to lose before losing threat and some really reliable dice, but it doesn’t seem enough to me.

So I’m being open minded. What’s the sell for 2x2RD Rippers

Edited by Church14

I think getting burned by a lack of rerolls has made any amount of rerolls auto-include. And when you're down to one rank, having Rank Discipline is really handy.

However, I agree that having more units on the table has its own reward. I think I prefer the maneuvering options of two units to having the one unit now that I've tried both in a tournament setting.

I've run a 2x2 FR group with Rank Discipline in a Maro list. The rippers move so quickly, and can get into the flank, but even with the rerolls, they seem to not be able to provide enough hits, even against soft targets to be super effective at clearing full units. Since I can't run more than one unit with Maro, I'll have to try 2x 2x1 units with Uthuk. It would be cool if there was something that allowed for splitting of a larger unit into equal sized smaller units. So bring a 2x2 FR, and be able to peel off into 2 2x1s. Like an expensive upgrade.

Edited by Aetheriac

One thing to consider is that you might be seeing them in lists because that's what is available for players atm. Unless you've bought into another army you won't have moment of inspiration or other items to pour your points into.

With just two cores you don't have that much flex or options.

In general though, with the built in speed of flesh rippers I would expect them to work better as the direct threat as opposed to trying get the flank (at least until dead sprint is official).

Also they have a good amount of health so that single tray could last a bit. and not having rerolls has burnt me so hard.... looking at you Maegan!

I didn’t consider that MOI or other training weren’t available if people hadn’t bought a second army like I have.

I do see the value in guaranteeing rerolls for people which get repeatedly burned by bad rolls. Though I think for Runewars, I want to throw more attacks over more rerolls. Part of this is because I face shield wall a lot and my opponents almost always have larger formations.

I am not sure I agree with Xquer that the Flesh Ripper speed makes them the direct threat unit over a flanker. Flesh Rippers really seem to be designed for hunting soft targets (armor 2 or less and low threat) while being soft targets themselves. I’m not sure I like the thought of throwing them up against the typical SpearStars, CavStars, and Leonx/DK formations that I see. I’m not entirely sure I want to even throw them at Scions/Lancers. I want my Ravos and Threshers hunting those.

I think I would rather sprint across the table and then line up charges. That forces any non MSU army into a bad position of allowing them the flank charges or wheeling a much more expensive unit around to honor the threat. A 2x2RD Ripper formation is a heck of a threat on a flank, but even the 2x1 is enough to do a lot of damage on the flank if it isn’t stopped. There is also some balance there. I don’t want to send a large unit that way, otherwise they respond by turning a 50 point unit to deal with a 42-3 point unit. I want the enemy to have to ignore the Rippers or waste a 50 point unit dealing with 22-26 points of irritance.

I know that it is a future strategy, but I do like the thought of putting the Unnatural Growth cards from Kethra on to two 2x1 Ripper formations. If they do hunt their ideal targets (archers, Maegan, Ankaur Maro, etc.), the thorns damage seems like it would be really discouraging to fight back.

I know this is a newer card but I like a larger Flesh Ripper with Feeding Frenzy, living longer lets it build up the lethals I was able to take out a 9 block of reanimates and a few other trays and it had 4 lethal at the end of it, just rolling through things. @Wraithist do you remember when I did that to you? :P

I do it because I like the rerolls and only losing 16 pts over 22 when I inevitable lose a tray. Also, the larger footprint makes my opponent take them more seriously, which means more things are turning to deal with them

As near as I can tell, it's because many players feel that if there's a slot you can fill, you should fill it. And the only training the Uthuk can take in a 2x2 formation that can do all that much for them is rank discipline, moment of inspiration, or flank guards. Given how often Rippers take rally, MoI is probably a one-shot upgrade. And flank guards... maybe, but rippers follow the 'live fast, die young' philosophy. A 2x2 formation is disposable, so long as it kills its target before dying. Flank guards don't give enough protection to be worth the cost.

If it was me, I would probably run rippers as either two 2x1s, or a 2x2 without a training upgrade.