Mystic Ruins and Masks of Nyarlathotep

By neosmagus, in General Discussion


So I finally got the expansion last night. The one thing I'm not certain about, is whether or not I should be shuffling all the mystic ruins together (from this and the Strange Remnants expansion). The section at the beginning says that they're only used for the Antideluvian or the Prelude, so it implies they might need to be kept seperate. But the rules for Mystic Ruins later for preparing the deck says shuffle all of the Mystic Ruins cards. I get the impression they should all go together, especially because they're the same design as the ones from Strange Remnants and I'd think if they wanted them seperately, they would have designed a new rule rather and a new kind of card.

Yes, you should shuffle them all. You're not the first person confused by MoN rules insert and we even got an official reply because of that.

To clarify: You use them all if you are using those expansions. If you're like me and you keep expansions separate, you aren't required to mix in the other ones. But if you're using both, yes, you only make one deck.