Twitch Streamer Looking For GM and Group

By CrashGaming247, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hello everybody,

This is my first post here. I've been reading about the Star Wars roleplaying game and it sounds really fun. As the title says, I'm a small Twitch streamer and am looking to put together a group. I'd broadcast the session, just voices and my screen for the rolls and maps. I've asked my viewers and they'd really like to see a roleplaying game. I roleplay often when streaming video games, such as wearing costumes, voice acting, keeping it fun. I'd like to play with people okay with roleplaying. To clarify, at times speaking to NPCs in character/ announcing actions as you'd imagine your character would.

I have never played this rule set, Edge of the Empire, and have some limited experience with D&D. I have much more experience with boardgames from Fantasy Flight. With any these of these games I enjoy describing what I'm doing instead of just rolling the dice. In general, I am new, open to advice, and looking for a good campaign where we can develop our characters and their stories. I'm not interested in GM'ing as it isn't my forte. As a former Warhammer 40k player, I am perfectly fine with reading every rulebook needed and there many, many revisions.

So I'm looking for a group of like minded adults, probably 4, so a GM and 4 players. I'm 28 and live on the east coast. I'd prefer a mature theme with plenty of violence and political intrigue. Roll20 is the website I'd suggest for this and I can make a private discord channel for chat.

I have a character in mind and worked up a short background for them, one of my favorite things to do. In short, a Smuggler-Gunslinger, with high presence so as to "face" for the group. If interested, let me know here, write something about yourself and maybe your character idea. For GMs interested, let me know here and thank you for considering it. Hopefully, we can all have fun and make some good friends.
