Join the quest for a copy

By player1602533, in War of the Ring: Collector's Edition

Im looking for a copy of these master piece, its out of stock everywhere and on ebay the copies are over 600.00

Does anyone know where can i find it?

Fantasyfligh friends! please, give us some options to buy this game there are some many people searchig for this game, is there any posibilities to bring a 3er wave? cmon there is a real bussines here...


Sadly, you've probably missed out on it.

FFG only are distributing it in the USA etc - they got what they were allocated from Nexus and that's it.

Your best bet is to wait until the Wave 2 hits, and then try to grab a copy in a few months.


Phone around gaming stores and see if any have been allocated a Wave 2 copy and order that.