In response to Alex.V

By nephster, in Fan Creations

This SHOULD have been posted to the "New Arkham Investigations site" thread, but I can't seem to post to it. I've been trying for a long time, from multiple browsers on different computers, and for some reason, I just can't post.

Anyway, this is a response to questions from Alex.V in that thread. Sorry to start a new thread, but the FFG forum software is just completely blocking me from posting there for some reason.

(And now that I've posted it, the "QUOTE" tags don't appear to be working, so I've edited them out. Sorry if this makes it harder to read...)

"I have to ask, is anyone actually taking care of the Arkham Investigations website?"

That would be me.

"Are there plans to expand it?"

Well, the new site was an attempt to expand it by adding the ability for people to ask questions and comment on casebooks. I don't have any immediate plans to expand it further, but maybe you have some ideas on what it could use...?

"Are people writing more cases? Does anyone even check their work?"

I don't know of any cases currently in-progress, but then, I may just not have been told about them. I post casebooks when I receive them, but I do not "check" them. Our game group doesn't meet often enough for me to guarantee that as a matter of course; I do a cursory check of the casebooks to make sure they're appropriate for the site, and then post them. (This is especially true for the non-English-language versions, which I couldn't playtest even if I wanted to.) The comments feature is exactly there so that people may critique, ask questions, etc., so I hope this is a good compromise.

"I'm honestly surprised this thing doesn't have more momentum."

Well, keep in mind that it's a LOT of work to write a casebook. It's a serious time commitment, so I'm personally gratified that there are as many casebooks as there are now. That said, you could help it gain momentum by writing some casebooks of your own... :)

"I don't mean to sound too critical but this is very frustrating for me. I guess what I'm trying to say is: any information about Arkham Investigations would be appreciated. And a debate or an explanation would be awesome as well."

Well, I'm not sure what other information you'd like to have, or what you'd like to "debate", but feel free to ask questions, and I'll try to answer them.

First of all, pleased to "meet" you, and thanks for the response!

I understand what you're saying about the website and the case investigations, I think it's great that you provide people with the platform and the tools to help bring this project to life. I was wondering if you were personally involved in creating the case files and also how many people are actually a part of this, and now I know (sort of).

As far as suggestions about expanding it, I really only meant adding more cases. I do think that the website is great as it is, and whoever designed it did a superb job.

I am working on a case investigation of my own, but that's saying so little in terms of actual results that I'm almost embarrassed to mention it.

When I asked about any information or a debate or something I was hoping to get some sort of response from the community, but... yea...

Here's to hoping we get to see some more cases up there.

Well, glad you like the site. I did create the first casebook, and some of the non-casebook expansions, but I'm not currently working on a casebook right now. Life. It happens.

I'm looking forward to seeing your case. It's a lot of work, but it's pretty cool to see people playing your casebook when it's finished, so I encourage you to keep at it even if the going gets long. There is a payoff that is satisfying.

Heh, thank you for the encouragement.

I didn't really think of writing something that would be seen outside of my gaming group, but I'm thinking about it now.

You think if somebody went ahead and wrote some street encounters for the Downtown Streets to replace the missing encounters that it could be fixed without the original writer getting involved? (and still keep the original layout and design).

I just discovered Arkham Investigations and it is really exciting. I was disappointed to see that the website wasn't being actively maintained and that the last update was last November.

Yop. Played my first case last week and it was reeeeeaaally nice !!! I volonteer to translate this into french. (well, I think I sent an email about this)