Defend Order, Broodling and Nuclear Strike

By Lüuna2, in StarCraft

Hi there,

one question came up the last game (that means exactly ... erm ... yesterday^^).

When executing a defend order, may a terran player additional move his base?

The rules book says:

"He may then immediatly move and/or units to the chosen area, as if he were executing a mobilize order on the planet."

There is nothing said about if a terran player, who is able to move his base with a mobilize order into a friendly area, may move it, or not - of course only on the same planet.

Additional i've got another questions:

Broodling says at the end of "Eliminate Units and Discard Combat Cards", which would mean, Broodling affects only a unit in the same skirmish as the queen. OK - so far ...

But when talking about Nuclear Strike (don't know what is exactly called in english), there is mentiondes that the defender has to destroy 2 additional Units at the end of the step "Resolve Splash Damage" .

Does this mean the defender hasn't to destroy anything, if the attacker wasn't able to kill anything in the battle?

Or am I completely wrong and both, that means Broodling and Nuclear Strike count for/work in the whole Battle?

Thank you very much :)

Best Regards,


Defend allows your to move units to that specific area only, so I would assume it's ok to move your CC from another area (on that planet) to the specific area where you are defending.

When using Spawn Broodling, after destroying units due to sufficient strength (i.e. attack >= health), your opponent must destroy another unit from the list on the card if it is present in that specific skirmish.

Nuke is a little confusing. The ghost must survive its skirmish, but then the destroy 2 units is over the span of the entire battle because it is during splash damage.

Those are my interpretations of the rules at least.