Custom Great Old Ones

By ThorGrim2, in Fan Creations

Starting a quest to fix the weak Ancient Ones:




Last one: (unless I'm forgetting someone?)


Avi_dreader said:

Mighty Maltim said:

Rhogog: Hmm, this guy's interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole 'short game' idea.

You essentially have four turns (unless you get a statistically improbable monster surge). It takes three turns to get into a gate and seal it. It is physical and magical immune with a -4 modifier so your odds of beating it in final combat are very unlikely. Your odds of winning by sealing are almost nil unless you start with investigators like Wendy, Mandy, or Zoey (i.e. elder signs or four clue tokens).

It's badly designed. But if you don't mind setting up for a nearly guaranteed loss ;'D

Just from looking at it, I can tell you (without you having to waste your time playtesting it) it won't work.

Oh ouch. Sped read this guy yesterday and I thought he had RESISTANCES, not immunities. Given that sizely revelation, yeah, with that -4 of his there's no way. Even Quachil, tough as he is, is only a -3.

Now Azatoth really rock!

Hi... new to the forum.. my custom AO.. Gozer the Gozerian


the minions of Gozer..

vinzfront.png vinzback.png



All criticism welcome. :D

My revised Gozer and minions


vinzfront.png vinzback.png

zuulfront.png zuulback.png

Lavos from the legendary game Chrono Trigger...


Lavos minions..



Azathoth Ancient One Card

Here's something I whipped up recently. I'd like to know what you guys think about it, especially the "End is Nigh" power.

I think The End is Nigh coupled with his other power will make him nearly impossible. Closing victories are difficult to pull off, and that ability will probably make his real doom track between 9 and 12. I.e. way too short.

Oh, wait, we get a turn to kill the cultists and maniacs? Never mind. Now it's just very difficult, not nearly impossible ;'D

Yeah you might have to dive through a few gates without thinking because of that combo but i doubt it would be immposible.

Nice to see my multiple herald idea catching on gui%C3%B1o.gif .

Yeah, I think your multiple heralds idea is a good one for Azathoth. Also, you should have a turn to bump off any cultists or maniacs, unless the last player has a gate open during their encounter and a cultist or maniac pops out.

How about my custom ancient ones guys..

terrible / cool / boring... :D

too easy perhaps? O_0

Well... I like Chronotrigger, but I don't usually comment on AOs that most people won't use (hell, I won't use them despite liking Chronotrigger). I think I made an exception for this for Jerusalem Jones once (but I've known him on the forums for a long time— so it was more of a personal favor, from my perspective, than personal policy). Anyway, post something more along the lines of Arkham Horror and I'll comment :')

FYI, I think All Players discard a clue on a roll of 1-2 is probably too brutal, but maybe that works with your custom investigators— it wouldn't work very well against normal investigators except with Patrice (who could take it).

I'm a genre snob. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Avi_dreader said:

FYI, I think All Players discard a clue on a roll of 1-2 is probably too brutal, but maybe that works with your custom investigators— it wouldn't work very well against normal investigators except with Patrice (who could take it).

At a certain point during a game against Atlach-Nacha, I saw that, even though that dam(n) spider was opening gates everywhere, breaking seals in every low / mid / high frequency location of the board, we had always enough clues to seal them again. And so I understood. Patrice and Atlach were even. No one was able to beat the other one. Overwhelming...

Julia said:

At a certain point during a game against Atlach-Nacha, I saw that, even though that dam(n) spider was opening gates everywhere, breaking seals in every low / mid / high frequency location of the board, we had always enough clues to seal them again. And so I understood. Patrice and Atlach were even. No one was able to beat the other one. Overwhelming...

Doesn't that mean she goes insane then? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Veet said:

Doesn't that mean she goes insane then? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Well, actually, after a six hour game, we had all been driven insane... (Atlach Nacha included ::laughing: :)

Julia said:

Veet said:

Doesn't that mean she goes insane then? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Well, actually, after a six hour game, we had all been driven insane... (Atlach Nacha included ::laughing: :)

Heh... I still haven't played against Atlach Nacha... Spider... Spiders. GAH!


I designed a league scenario with Atlach... It's somewhat terrifying.

Avi_dreader said:

Heh... I still haven't played against Atlach Nacha... Spider... Spiders. GAH!


I designed a league scenario with Atlach... It's somewhat terrifying.

Right. Give that dam(n) thing some extra powers please, it's not such a terrifying creature per se ::laughing::