Custom Great Old Ones

By ThorGrim2, in Fan Creations

It's actually quite a nice AO now. An interesting short track. It's made my print list. It's too bad you appear determined to not continue posting at this quality.

I said I will, if I will just get at least one critique to each of my new investigators in the investigators thread. none of them recieved critique. I don't have a motive to post at all , regardless of quality, if so many of my investigators gets ignored.

Well, I haven't looked at investigators in a LONG while. I mostly like the ones based on other properties myself (LXG, BPRD, etc). I'll take a gander at some point, just for you. That's the kind of love I have for this community. :)

I am going to print this AO one out, and try and get our group to play it. Looks like fun.

Thanks. Btw have you taken a loot at this ? It's from 2 pages earlier maybe you'll like it too.

kroen said:

Thanks. Btw have you taken a loot at this ? It's from 2 pages earlier maybe you'll like it too.

While I appreciate you uploading the png, you shouldn't use those files (although they're better than an undersized fuzzy image) because they're too big, plus they don't link directly to the forum. Just change your pictures into a format (like jpeg) while keeping them at high quality so they're around 400-500k.

kroen said:

I said I will, if I will just get at least one critique to each of my new investigators in the investigators thread. none of them recieved critique. I don't have a motive to post at all , regardless of quality, if so many of my investigators gets ignored.

If your only motive for posting is praise, perhaps you shouldn't be posting. No one here is obliged to say anything about anything.

Also, the things posted here are intended to last for the use of posterity, ideally they will remain a long time. It's also really bad manners to force people to request that you upload images with standard quality. This is normal behavior that is expected.

Avi_dreader said:

Just change your pictures into a format (like jpeg) while keeping them at high quality so they're around 400-500k.

That's what I did (sort of) with Idh-yaa. It's 1.5mb and normal size. What's wrong witht that?

Also I never argued that people are obliged to reply, I only argued that I'm also not obliged... to post. Ofcours replies are my motive. I'm not doing these things for myself, I never play with custom stuff, I'm doing them for you, the forum, and a little appreciation in the form of critique is not too much to ask. It's very rude to print something without replying to it.

There's nothing wrong with the AO you just posted. It'd be fine if the size were a bit lower though. In other words, it doesn't matter unless it affects visible quality at the size the print out would be at.

Not everyone likes talking. Not everyone wants to do critique. There is nothing rude about downloading silently. Of course, it would be nice if someone said they liked something you made if they liked it, no one is obliged to do so. As I said before, other people are not here to stroke your ego.

If you want to only post in a place where you're going to get feedback, I'd suggest you stick to the heralds and Ancient Ones thread because I'm pretty active there and there (and I try to respond to almost every post there), in the other fan creations sections, not so much.

What do you mean lower size? you mean smaller than 640x480? how much lower?

I will probably not make the same misakte of making investigators, thanks for the advice, but seriously, how would you feel if you posted 5 ancient ones and not one of them got so much as a "it's sucks/it's nice"? It's not rude to ask for replies.

It's actually too bad, really, because investigators is my favorite thing to desing. Why it doesn't ineterest people? Why doesn't it interest you ? You used to reply in the investigator thread. Yes I know you don't print them but it doesn't mean you can't criticize them. In the Magic, forum, for example, there's a forum, there's a forum for custom cards. No one ever prints cards from that forum, for various reasons have to do with the game, but it doesn't stop the forum from exploding with comments on every single card. I don't see why that can't be the case here.

kroen said:

What do you mean lower size? you mean smaller than 640x480? how much lower?

I will probably not make the same misakte of making investigators, thanks for the advice, but seriously, how would you feel if you posted 5 ancient ones and not one of them got so much as a "it's sucks/it's nice"? It's not rude to ask for replies.

It's actually too bad, really, because investigators is my favorite thing to desing. Why it doesn't ineterest people? Why doesn't it interest you ? You used to reply in the investigator thread. Yes I know you don't print them but it doesn't mean you can't criticize them. In the Magic, forum, for example, there's a forum, there's a forum for custom cards. No one ever prints cards from that forum, for various reasons have to do with the game, but it doesn't stop the forum from exploding with comments on every single card. I don't see why that can't be the case here.

Uh, actually I've posted plenty of heralds without getting feedback (I don't make AOs very often, even though I'm willing to use them if they're well designed). And keep in mind, I tend to spend around three hours *minimum* on most of my things. Sometimes I spend weeks or months thinking about something before I post it (for example, I thought about Janus for nearly half a year).

If you want to politely ask for replies, there's nothing wrong with it. The way you have been "asking" has been more like blackmail.

This is not the Magic forum. This is the forum that it is. The Mtg community has a very different attitude towards playing with custom materials.

I occasionally reply in the investigator thread if I think I can say something quickly that would help who ever was trying to make something build something a bit more balanced. I don't do it for me, I do it for them. I only have so much time though, and I'd rather spend it on the forums with materials I'm more likely to use.

I like the investigators we already have. I don't feel like there is any loss to the game from not having any others. There was only one I was willing to consider printing (because it was well designed, and very much fun thematically, if the game was roleplayed with others— Jack the Ripper). There are still plenty of interesting challenges that have not been thought of though. I also don't like the aesthetics of their print outs (for one thing, you need to do double sided printing, and it'd be difficult for me to randomly draw them since I could identify them by touch). I don't mind pre-selecting Ancient Ones or heralds though, as long as my team is random. I also don't like printing out investigator cards. One sided Heralds and Ancient Ones are all that I'm willing to deal with. Printing is expensive, and if I'm going to print something out, I expect it to make a significant difference to my experience of the game.

Btw, I just noticed a typo in Idh, it should say they're, not the'yre. I hope you listened to my advice earlier and didn't throw out your Strange Aeons file.


Also I thought my Egyptologist is pretty well-thematic (if you even look at the investigators thread). Just sayin'.

p.s. how are you playing custome ancient ones with no plot cards?

kroen said:


Also I thought my Egyptologist is pretty well-thematic (if you even look at the investigators thread). Just sayin'.

p.s. how are you playing custome ancient ones with no plot cards?

I don't print out their plot cards. If their plot cards are essential for playing them (i.e. their final battle attack is too weak without them), I won't print out the Ancient Ones either.

Well, in the BSG forum, our local group spent nearly a year on custom characters based on Futurama, extensively playtestd them, and finally uploaded files to our website and posted links in the BSG forum. And barely got any replies (2, I think). Which is sad, because the characters are fun to play, especailly if youa re a Futuramam fan.

We're also considering doing a Simpsons based theme for AH. Of course, I'm also thinking about a cyberpunk theme and lots of other variants that will never see the light of day.

JerusalemJones said:

Well, in the BSG forum, our local group spent nearly a year on custom characters based on Futurama, extensively playtestd them, and finally uploaded files to our website and posted links in the BSG forum. And barely got any replies (2, I think). Which is sad, because the characters are fun to play, especailly if youa re a Futuramam fan.

We're also considering doing a Simpsons based theme for AH. Of course, I'm also thinking about a cyberpunk theme and lots of other variants that will never see the light of day.

Cyberpunk Arkham ;') Yes. Simpsons Arkham? No. Futurama Arkham... Maybe :') Dr. Zoiberg vs. Rhan Tegoth!

Hey, I was just thinking the other day about a Simpsons retheme... Springfield Horror.

I'll have to check our your Futurama BSG.

JerusalemJones said:

Well, in the BSG forum, our local group spent nearly a year on custom characters based on Futurama, extensively playtestd them, and finally uploaded files to our website and posted links in the BSG forum. And barely got any replies (2, I think). Which is sad, because the characters are fun to play, especailly if youa re a Futuramam fan.

Add those files to the BSG site at BoardGameGeek and then make a post to the forums there showing them off... You'll get a lot more love. They look fun, and I'll have to read them more closely later. Is Fry really a good fit, though, as Military? I would think he should be Support. Anyway, that's another subject for another forum, but seriously, post those over at BGG.

JerusalemJones said:

Well, in the BSG forum, our local group spent nearly a year on custom characters based on Futurama, extensively playtestd them, and finally uploaded files to our website and posted links in the BSG forum. And barely got any replies (2, I think). Which is sad, because the characters are fun to play, especailly if youa re a Futuramam fan.

We're also considering doing a Simpsons based theme for AH. Of course, I'm also thinking about a cyberpunk theme and lots of other variants that will never see the light of day.

I love Futurama! can I get a link to those stuff?

Idh-yaa looks really good now, especially with the new image. One nitpicky little thing, Idh-yaa isn't a he, it's a she or more likely an it.

I won't be commenting on your investigators as I don't use custom investigators and don't respond well to ultimatums.

I play tested Moriggian tonight, for those interested I will repost him for reference.


The game was short 10 turns. This was mainly due to the fact that a double doom rumor came up the turn after a gateway to the abyss opened dropping 3 doom in one mythos phase which was brutal. without that the game could have easily gone 12 if not 15 turns. No ghouls or cultists came out of the cup which was dissapointing and in an odd event no monster surges occurred. Ultimately the game was lost by awakening half the investigators were devoured in the opening the other half after the first turn after only taking off 3 doom tokens.

I should note that I was not using Dunwitch or Kingsport so I was using an undiluted gate pile.

Hrm... Well... Keep playtesting it.

kroen said:

JerusalemJones said:

Well, in the BSG forum, our local group spent nearly a year on custom characters based on Futurama, extensively playtestd them, and finally uploaded files to our website and posted links in the BSG forum. And barely got any replies (2, I think). Which is sad, because the characters are fun to play, especailly if youa re a Futuramam fan.

We're also considering doing a Simpsons based theme for AH. Of course, I'm also thinking about a cyberpunk theme and lots of other variants that will never see the light of day.

I love Futurama! can I get a link to those stuff?

Here's the link

You can also link them from out store's website here.

If you want to comment on them, please do so in the BSG forums.

But, because we are big Futurama fans (and I am a Simpsons fan), those are some of the reasons why we've toyed with making themes for them in Arkham plus the fact we've already done it with BSG. As for the cyberpunk theme, I am absolutely convinved that FFG need to make more cooperative rpg games like Arkham Horror. In fact, I feel the AH engine is perfect for more games in this category, and am surprised that they are not pursuing this avenue (if they are, they are very quiet about it). So a cyberpunk AH would be the first step in a cross-over to a true cyberpunk coop game.

I even think AH could work as a basic investigation game as well, in modern day or other time period. And one time my wife and I even talked about Ah being used as the basis for for World of Warcraft co-op game. Yeah, we obsess about games too much; probably why we own our own game store.

Oh. Ohhhhhh. It didn't click me that BSG means Battlestar Galactica. I thought you made Futurama characters for AH. I don't play BSG, sorry.

You should. BSG is amazing; it is semi-sooperative, as there are two teams humans and cylon except that each player gets 2 random loyalty cards (one at the start, one halfway through) and nobody knows who the cylons are. The game is about resource management and bluffing, as "unrevealed" cylons can destroy the Galactica from inside. Definitely my favorite game of 2008, and gets played as much as, if not more so, than Arkham at our store.

Heh, now I just might have to make some Futurama AH characters. Do you suppose Zoidberg would be immune or more susceptible to Innsmouth Look cards?

JerusalemJones said:

Heh, now I just might have to make some Futurama AH characters. Do you suppose Zoidberg would be immune or more susceptible to Innsmouth Look cards?

I picture Zoidberg as a GOO. He kind of reminds me of Cthulhu. lengua.gif The premise could be that he eats some kind of toxic jello or something that turns him into a giant slobbering monster (moreso)... First it makes him sleepy, though, so he's currently napping, but once he wakes up he'll want to devour everything in sight (again... moreso).

Heh, someone already had the same idea:


JerusalemJones said:

You should. BSG is amazing; it is semi-sooperative, as there are two teams humans and cylon except that each player gets 2 random loyalty cards (one at the start, one halfway through) and nobody knows who the cylons are. The game is about resource management and bluffing, as "unrevealed" cylons can destroy the Galactica from inside. Definitely my favorite game of 2008, and gets played as much as, if not more so, than Arkham at our store.

Heh, now I just might have to make some Futurama AH characters. Do you suppose Zoidberg would be immune or more susceptible to Innsmouth Look cards?

I can't, my "group" consists of me and my brother. It sucks that I can't play 3+ players only games and not only that, even (most) of the 2+ player games are much more fun with 3 or more.