Custom Great Old Ones

By ThorGrim2, in Fan Creations

Good point. I myself have never retired an investigator nor even presented it as an option to a player. It's just never come up. So I'll add;

These madness cards do not count towards the 2 madness or injury cards required for retirement.

Veet said:

Good point. I myself have never retired an investigator nor even presented it as an option to a player. It's just never come up. So I'll add;

These madness cards do not count towards the 2 madness or injury cards required for retirement.

OO! :'D

It has been updated.

Veet said:

It has been updated.

Quite nasty :') I wholey approve.

Avi_dreader said:

Veet said:

It has been updated.

Quite nasty :') I wholey approve.

Sorry, this is driving me insane(er) and I see it every time I check in at the forum. Wholley. Wholley! Gah! (English major neurosis).


And thats why you are the unofficial board editor. Making another post just to correct the spelling in your previous post.

Veet said:


And thats why you are the unofficial board editor. Making another post just to correct the spelling in your previous post.

::Bites lip:: I would say something, but it's true.

OK so I'm working on adapting a creative but ultimately poorly thought out ancient one power I ran across out on the intarwebs. the original had a 5 space doom track and it's powers stated that only gates opening from the abyss or the dreamlands add doom tokens (you may be able to see the fatal flaw there). I'm thinking of a 6 or 7 space doom track with doom being added each turn a gate to the dreamlands or abyss is open (during mythos) and not allowing such gates to be claimed as trophies, most likely demanding that the first gate be to one of those locations.

I plan on using the identity of Mordiggian the god of the ghouls and have quite a nice picture for him.


Veet said:

OK so I'm working on adapting a creative but ultimately poorly thought out ancient one power I ran across out on the intarwebs. the original had a 5 space doom track and it's powers stated that only gates opening from the abyss or the dreamlands add doom tokens (you may be able to see the fatal flaw there). I'm thinking of a 6 or 7 space doom track with doom being added each turn a gate to the dreamlands or abyss is open (during mythos) and not allowing such gates to be claimed as trophies, most likely demanding that the first gate be to one of those locations.

I plan on using the identity of Mordiggian the god of the ghouls and have quite a nice picture for him.



Are you suggesting a 6 doom token doom track?

Maybe I'm missing something, but a six turn game doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to actually seeing what you're working on.

Ideally it would be more than 6 turns because doom is only added to the track on turns where the abyss or dream lands are open. of course this COULD lead to a short game but could also lead to quite a lengthy game.

This is a quick knockup of what I'm thinking.


That'd work. (Although I haven't thought too closely about final battle) it sounds like he'll probably have a -0 or a -1 modifier. With only seven doom tokens, do you think he'll be strong enough to withstand the investigators attacks? Even if only one of them has spells?

Heh... One problem with making cultists=ghouls, this requires players to remember ghouls' stats, and there isn't going to be one on board a lot of the time (when I make cultists=something else, I typically have that something else as a spawn monster, or always on the board). You could just include ghouls revised statistics on the card if there's room (you've half done it already).

I'm also a little concerned about what investigators could do against him with find gate. They could potentially wait him out almost the entire game (since you'd need all four of the gates to fill his doom track— assuming you haven't been able to remove any doom tokens with the huge amounts of time he gave you). What you could do to mitigate this a bit is just have him add three or four doom tokens whenever a Dreamlands or Abyss gate appears (I'd probably go for three). Or you could use an in game mechanism to cause the appearance of gates, perhaps whenever a ghoul is killed, you must search for and exchange a non dreamlands/abyss gate, with an dreamlands or abyss gate (whichever comes first). Anyways, you figure it out, I need to get back to homework :')

Yeah I hadn't thought about the short doom track = low hit points facet of that. Perhaps if we give him a static combat modifier and have the ghouls on the board add extra doom tokens?

Veet said:

Yeah I hadn't thought about the short doom track = low hit points facet of that. Perhaps if we give him a static combat modifier and have the ghouls on the board add extra doom tokens?

read my edited comment :') it kindof has a potential built in solution (if you make killing ghouls cause the gates to appear, this will incentivize players to let the ghouls stay on the board, of course, if you like the triple doom token idea, you could come up with an alternative way of powering the combat modifier, you could just make it phys/mag immune instead of weapons immune, that'd be a significant boost since players couldn't horde up spells).

the attack is a little complex why not make it every invesigator must fight there yithians to kill him

daemonprinceofchaos said:

the attack is a little complex why not make it every invesigator must fight there yithians to kill him

How is discarding three monster toughness complex?

Avi_dreader said:

read my edited comment :') it kindof has a potential built in solution (if you make killing ghouls cause the gates to appear, this will incentivize players to let the ghouls stay on the board, of course, if you like the triple doom token idea, you could come up with an alternative way of powering the combat modifier, you could just make it phys/mag immune instead of weapons immune, that'd be a significant boost since players couldn't horde up spells).

OK I like the idea of killing the ghouls making the gates appear, also I'm thinking that if that's the case then I shouldn't pump up their stats. They have ambush so if you fail to evade them there is no throwing the fight to avoid a doom causing gate to appear. So it would appear something like.....

"Cultists are Ghouls with ambush, a horror rating of +0, sanity damage of 1 and a combat rating of -1. When a ghoul is defeated replace an open gate to any location other than The Dreamlands or The Abyss with a gate to one of those locations."



Actually I'm going to backpedal on that last one just a little. Using dark druid and child of the goat as a reference, when they are treated as a cultist their stats and dimensional symbol are not changed to reflect this they only recieve bonuses and commands that are applied to cultists. So it should be unnecisary to alter the cultists traits to that of a ghouls, simply state that they are treated as a ghoul and give them ambush to exploit the fact that players will not want to kill them. Perhaps even endless.

Veet said:

Actually I'm going to backpedal on that last one just a little. Using dark druid and child of the goat as a reference, when they are treated as a cultist their stats and dimensional symbol are not changed to reflect this they only recieve bonuses and commands that are applied to cultists. So it should be unnecisary to alter the cultists traits to that of a ghouls, simply state that they are treated as a ghoul and give them ambush to exploit the fact that players will not want to kill them. Perhaps even endless.

Actually, Druid and Goat have their base stats changed if it's in a card's worshippers section. But, yeah :') that all sounds good. The cultists will be quite nasty since -3 awareness makes them hard to evade (I'm not even sure if ambush is necessary for the cultists because their awareness is so high).

Without ambush though you can keep trying to evade and just let them beat the crap out of you.

Veet said:

Without ambush though you can keep trying to evade and just let them beat the crap out of you.

Ohhhh, good call :')

Yeah I figure it may be a little to assholish to give them stalker as well gui%C3%B1o.gif

Veet said:

Yeah I figure it may be a little to assholish to give them stalker as well gui%C3%B1o.gif

Actually, that might be a good idea (otherwise investigators can still let ghouls beat them up by not using weapons).

OK updated the file. I didn't add stalker to them taking into account that this current incarnation would have ghouls with a +1 combat rating it would be imposible to throw even dropping your weapons you still would have at least 1 dice to roll against a 1 toughness monster.

How odd is it that were discusing ways that investigators might avoid killing monsters?

aaaaand I forgot to repost it.
