Rules question answers from FFG.

By Fnoffen, in Twilight Imperium

I just wanted to start this thread as a place where everyone could post the answers they get on rules querys sent in to FFG.

(The rules query form can be found here: )

It would probably be a good idea to use a singular format in the posts here such as:

Q: [Query as brief as possible]

A: [Answer as gotten]

For example:

Q: Can you sacrifice a unit not in the active system for the Yin Devotion ability?

A: No, the sacrificed unit must come from the active system.

And limit one answer per post.

Again: just a suggestion from my part as it otherwise can get quite tedious to look for an answer in this forum.

Edited by Fnoffen
for elaboration

I guess I'll try elsewhere.

Edited by Raujour

This thread is not meant for questions TO FFG but rather answers FROM them

On 07/02/2018 at 4:27 AM, Fnoffen said:

This thread is not meant for questions TO FFG but rather answers FROM them

Just a suggestion, perhaps in the OP you could link to where to ask them questions?

So far I've been relying on the community's consensus to confirm / deny any questions I've had (which haven't been many).

I think this thread would be especially useful when the answers are contrary to what has been discussed elsewhere, those threads could be updated with the 'correct' or 'official' answers.

EDIT: The link in the OP goes to a Rules sub-section which goes to

Edited by Conza89
Answering my own question