What is she?

By Agmar2, in Anima: Tactics

Hello I am a bit new to this.

Is Khaine D'Lacreu a memper of the empire of a wander? I have seen the card on the internet (I know real reliable) as an empire soldier but the card I have does not have the empire printed on the card just her name and class. I was under the impression that if it doesn;t say that means the character is a wonder. So a bit of help would be great. Thanks


Short answer,

Khaine is a wanderer.

Long answer.

In order be a member of the empire the card (old cards) must either have the word empire or the card must contain the symbol of the abel empire (new cards). Old print runs of Khaine had the keyword empire, but that was a mistake, despite her flavor text she is a wanderer and new print runs of her should state that.


Take a look at this forum thread forum.ulisses-spiele.de/viewtopic.php that is maintained by the user Honigkuchenwolf. The third post contains a list which character belongs to which faction (The site is german but most character have the same name in german as in english) You can also see the different symbols for each affiliation.

Empire = Kaiserreich.

Church = Kirche