GM Binder and Genesys

By CitizenKeen, in Genesys

@Khoram - this looks great! I was a little caught off guard by the avian Ichthorians, since ichthys is latin for fish . You went with species-based names like leonine , patherkin , lupine , and ursine , so finding a bird species with a fish name struck me as odd.

Um... its, uh, because they eat fish? They are great fishers? Woops!

It's actually because the world was the creation of my wife and daughters and me, using the Microscope RPG system. My 11 year old daughter made up the race and the name. No idea where it came from in her head but, yeah, I guess that's kind of strange. We'll just say it's a strange coincidence in the world of Cynemis that there is any similarity to a Latin word... :) My other daughter came up with the simians, my wife the dragonkin. I named them later when fleshing out the setting, and added the minor races as well. There was a judicious use of Google Translate to come up with Chinese names for the simian, and I wanted the dragonkin to be Roman-esque so all their placenames are Latin-ish (probably don't hold up under intense scrutiny though).

Thanks for looking, though!

Edited by Khoram

Oh I almost forgot, I did have to make 1 more change to avoid the "first line getting chopped off" issue that you may have seen before. You have to change the margin-right and margin-top values a bit for the following section:

/* Makes the bigger "first letter" in paragraphs under H1 and H2*/
.phb h1 + p:first-letter, .phb h2 + p:first-letter {
font-family: 'Bolton';
color: #761213;

This is my newb brain asking this

What is .phb? I try googling for it and find nothing.

@Mogloth I think it means player handbook.

16 hours ago, Mogloth said:

This is my newb brain asking this

What is .phb? I try googling for it and find nothing.

It's a (I think) class element used in writing HTML and CSS code. I could be wrong on the specifics, but it isn't a player's handbook, amusing though that little joke is :) , but it's some referral to a different part of the code block.

yeah its short for players handbook, this is all adapted from a D&D code block :P

7 hours ago, saethone said:

yeah its short for players handbook, this is all adapted from a D&D code block :P

LOL I guess I was half-right. And half-wrong but in a funny way. I love being wrong like this!

Hey everybody - I've created a basic style sheet explaining how to use the Terrinoth GM Binder and could use some more testers to see if i messed anything up.

At this point you do need to install the "Bolton" and "JSL Ancient" fonts - which can be found freely on the internet at various font sites. When this goes live that will not be needed.

Please let me know if you notice anything wonky or missing! Thanks!

Awesome, saethone! I'm on travel right now, but when I get home and have some time I'll convert my doc to your new template to test it out. Thanks for the hard work!

I'm still confused as to how to use this.

2 hours ago, Stacie_GmrGrl said:

I'm still confused as to how to use this.

I figured it out by just copy and pasting the source code from the Genesys Template, and replacing the text in it with my own text. From there it was a lot easier to figure out.

Will there be a "generic" style for fan-made stuff?