My last 4 cards i need to finish my sets HIGH WNATS!!!

By RoxaSoraX, in Agrabah Bazaar

End of The World (set 2)
Donald Duck set 2

In that order i want those cards, ill trade almost anything for them just make a deal of what you want for them.

Do you have Awakening Sora? I have an extra Aerith...and I know that is your highest wants. If you have an Awakening Sora, I'll trade you Aerith and $15.

TheChampIsHere said:

Do you have Awakening Sora? I have an extra Aerith...and I know that is your highest wants. If you have an Awakening Sora, I'll trade you Aerith and $15.

i do not. =( hard promo to find i know.

Do you have The King? I will trade Sephiroth for The King

Levin said:

Do you have The King? I will trade Sephiroth for The King

i do not. sorry and i wouldnt do king for just seph anyway.

Don't know if you are still looking but I have

End of the World x1

Looking for a Roxas but if you can throw in some Twilight Town related cards to go with Roxy, I will appreciate it.

i can offer you a whole roxas deck for EoW and few cards =)

Not sure what else you want. I only have EotW from your wants.

Also please not that I can't update my trading thread anymore but there are some cards that I have but not mentioned (like Ansem and other cards from the first 3 sets.)