Elder Sign - Revised Printing

By Ally77, in Elder Sign

Can anyone tell me the difference between the Revised Print edition and the 'original'?

I ask because I want to buy this game and for some reason the Revised Printing version is quite a lot cheaper.

Thanks for any replies!

The revised printing has a revised rulebook, which doesn't mean a rulebook with rules better worded, but a rulebook with the RIGHT rules (they messed up quite a bit with the first edition)

Additionally, some cards for the core set received an errata: specifically, Investigator cards that received an errata are present in their correct form in the revised edition. For the other cards that received an errata, the correct version of the cards is included in the Unseen Forces expansions (for reasons beyond my understanding)


Thanks for that. I think I'll be buying the revised printing based on that.

Edited by Ally77
Small line-spacing change!