Yikes, this one was a mess. First, I felt SUPER guilty having the ghoul in this scenario. He can be a little fragile at times, but 1 point of armor is probably all you need to ensure that you'll never get one-shotted by a Deathclaw, and there's free healing all over the freakin' place!
That's not my quarrel with the scenario, though. Two things were really bothering me by the end:
1) For just one of four scenarios included with the core game, they really should have included more Shield tokens. In a two-player game, I was just one, poor Ghoul trying to make his way in the world and enjoy the radioactive fog. My fiancee was trying to help Far Harbor (in the end, Far Harbor barely won and both of us players lost. Grr). She could have spent more time erecting Fog Condensers so the Shield pile would replenish, but it never really affected her that much so she ignored it and just kept questing. I wound up using the blue 5-Caps to represent extra Shields. Lame!
2) The quests that are invoked by the placement of a new Star or Shield are badly defined. We played with an assumption that where it says, "A Shield is placed," the text really meant, "A Shield is placed by an active player doing things, and not by the Agenda deck during the NPCs' turn." Clarification is needed, but I'm also curious how others have handled this.