Newbies looking for a GM for Tabletop sim EotE campaign

By Nicolaj95, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

So me and some other people (around 4-5 PCs in total) wants to start a EotE campaign but since we are all new to RPGs none of us really want to GM it because we want some experience in it before we give that a try. So we are looking for a slightly more experienced GM or someone who would be more comfortable as a GM to do it, we don't really care if you have done it before we just want someone that will take it seriously.

What time are you looking to game? I'm Melbourne based and work office hours with other commitments which usually precludes me from this sort of stuff.

Melbourne is GMT +10 and weeknights I'd be available about 7:00PM depending on the day (Tuesdays and Wednesdays are probably out).