My FLGS is likely to host an Epic tournament in the next few months. With that in mind, I'm trying to come up with some truly brutal lists, mostly focused around jank.
Rebel Railgun:
A list focused on a single big gun. Don't worry - it's a
big gun.
Green Squadron Pilot (21)
x 4
A-Wing (19), A-Wing Test Pilot (0), Chardaan Refit (-2), Juke (2), Snap Shot (2)
CR90 Corvette (Fore) (84)
CR90 Corvette (50), Tantive IV (4), Finn (5), Single Turbolasers (8), Heavy Laser Turret (5), IG-RM thug droids (1), IG-RM thug droids (1), Supercharged Power Cells (3), Maul (3), Gunnery Team (4)
CR90 Corvette (Aft) (57)
CR90 Corvette (40), Baze Malbus (3), Heavy Laser Turret (5), Tibanna Gas Supplies (4), Optimised Generators (5)
Jan Ors (35)
HWK-290 (25), Veteran Instincts (1), Twin Laser Turret (6), Ezra Bridger (3)
Roark Garnet (22)
HWK-290 (19), Operations Specialist (3)
Captain Rex (18)
Sabine's TIE Fighter (14), Sabine's Masterpiece (1), Inertial Dampeners (1), Operations Specialist (3)
Totalling 300 points.
The A-wings provide a crucial screening force. The combination of snap shot, juke and the operations specialists ensure that by the combat phase - on average - each A-wing will have a focus and an evade token. Rex is a distraction and crew carrier, and is simply used to troll enemy capital ships.
Jan and Roark are essentially extensions of the Tantive IV, boosting its various stats.
The Tantive is half the list, and with good reason. Roark bumps it to PS 12 each turn, giving it the ultimate first-strike power. The first shot of the game is a devastating 9 die primary (via 4 base, Finn, Inherent Ability, Jan and Supercharged Power cells), powered by Maul and Gunnery team for maximum power. This is followed by 4 four-die attacks. The last attack (with the rear HLT) misses intentionally and triggers Baze for another blistering primary. Every shot has double Thug Droid mods for some vicious criticals, and the combination of Optimised Generators and Tibanna gas supplies ensures continuous energy supply.
All in all, the Tantive can probably destroy any two non-huge ships in the game each turn, while suffering minimal damage due to the reinforce action its free to take each round.