Match Length

By randomjoe, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

It's common knowledge that 60 minutes is super dumb, right? Do we know when FFG is going to change it?

Nowhere near enough games complete in 60 minutes, which means it goes to tie-breakers a large % of the time. The tie-breaker system is reasonable, but L5R is a totally different game if the maximum number of rounds that ever get played is about 4 (maybe 5 with fast players/simple board states).

Essentially L5R is a beautiful game, but tourney L5R with 60 minutes is a completely different game. That isn't enough time for one player to stack fate on chars/build board position to come back from the early 1-2 provinces you have to sacrifice to build that board state. That means control strategies are nearly non-viable, which means that all factions are racing all the time. In that universe there are pretty clear "best" factions/cards, ie the current popularity of Scorpion etc.

Edited by randomjoe
2 hours ago, randomjoe said:

It's common knowledge that 60 minutes is super dumb, right?

Is it, though? We had a 10 player tournament over the weekend and we had I think just 2 matches go to time.

Edited by Kakita Shiro

Yeah. Going to time is really the exception in our local tournaments too. ^^'

Totally with MrMenthe and are intense, involving, exciting, and challenging, but rarely last a full hour.