Simple solution to hit locations

By Sunatet, in WFRP House Rules

Hi, I was thinking today, about hit locations, and did some googling.

Here are some interesting things I found: (at the bottom, this die project is fantastic, unfortunately can't find it in their shop)

Looks like the simpliest possible way to introduce hit locations to the game, and get advantage, of different armors covering only some hit locations (and location dependant special effects) is to use the hit location die (it requires only adding 1 die to the roll).

Maybe FFG would be interested to make some hit location dice filling the gap (in comparison to previous editions):
- humanoid hit location die
- winged humanoid
- mount, or other 4 legged creatures
- special dice for special monsters (like hydra, manticore, chaos dragon)

Or maybe they have such dice somewhere, and I just don't know about them?

The only problem I see with it is, defence system on armors, in case you wanted to use for example partial armors like greaves, bracers, shoulder pads, helms (like in previous editions). You have to do something with the passive defence on armors then (what defence would you use in case of someone using a metal helm, metal left shoulder pad, metal right greave, and leather torso?).

Unless you first roll on the hit location, and then make a hit roll using defence of hit location rolled...

Sunatet said:

Hi, I was thinking today, about hit locations, and did some googling.

Here are some interesting things I found:

I use that d12 location dice for 1 year now in my homemade medfan RPG, Amizia (writtent in french).

Its locations are : full body, head, chest, stomach right hand, right arm, left hand, left arm, right foot, right leg, left foot, left leg... So that's 2 locations for torso and 2 for each member... then one for head and one for full body. That repartition is quite balanced and good.

I use it like it is, except for full body, that we exchanged for "handled weapon" (you hit directly the enemy's weapon on that location).

willmanx said:

I use that d12 location dice for 1 year now in my homemade medfan RPG, Amizia (writtent in french).

Its locations are : full body, head, chest, stomach right hand, right arm, left hand, left arm, right foot, right leg, left foot, left leg... So that's 2 locations for torso and 2 for each member... then one for head and one for full body. That repartition is quite balanced and good.

I use it like it is, except for full body, that we exchanged for "handled weapon" (you hit directly the enemy's weapon on that location).

Hehheh, nice.

I just found it lengua.gif

1-st, and 2-nd edition had their own rules on hit locations, so I didn't need that kind of die back then.

But I think that it fits well with dice pool mechanics, the only thing you need to do is add a single die to the hit roll.

And on the french language... let's say, that I overslept most of my french lessons lengua.gif .

One of the phrases I remember is "je ne comprends pas" (or something like that), and one more of "high importance" (you know... there was a song on that... gran_risa.gif ).

Sunatet said:

And on the french language... let's say, that I overslept most of my french lessons lengua.gif .

One of the phrases I remember is "je ne comprends pas" (or something like that), and one more of "high importance" (you know... there was a song on that... gran_risa.gif ).

yep I put that link for french speaking dudes... but I guess your phrase started with something like "voulez-vous" gui%C3%B1o.gif

I made my own cards for hit location. So I can increase the chance for a certain location putting more cards of this location into the deck. Last session we weren't able to test it, cause there was no fight ... sad.gif