The Complete Species Guide

By Yaccarus, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

How would you stat an Ardennian?

There's a discussion in AOR about it here:

This uses Xexto as a base but doesn't really cover some of the other features like prehensile feet. How much of an base-XP deduction would that be?

3 hours ago, Varlie said:

How would you stat an Ardennian?

There's a discussion in AOR about it here:

This uses Xexto as a base but doesn't really cover some of the other features like prehensile feet. How much of an base-XP deduction would that be?

Iakaru get prehensile limbs (or at least the ability to brachiate) and could be used as a point of reference, as well.

Well, at first I thought you were talking about Adarians , but anyway, Ardennians:

My statting of Melittos has opened up the floodgates for Canon species, so I would like to feature these guys at some point, but on the other hand Wookieepedia is very very sparse in terms of info on them.

My tentative stat block would be:

Agility 3, Brawn 1, Willpower 1

WT 9+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower

90 XP

1 rank in Coordination

Extra Limbs: May have twice as much gear in their hands and do not have to suffer strain for a second maneuver. Still may not make 3 maneuvers in a round without “Unmatched Mobility.” May use feet for grasping and manipulation when applicable.

Silhouette 0

Thanks. I believe they are listed in Dawn of Rebellion. I will check that out when I get home

Edit: Posted before refreshing the list. Thanks to both @SavageBob and @Yaccarus

Edited by Varlie

Hey! Thanks for all your hard work! Do you plan to add the Asgonian (E.T. race) to your guide?

12 hours ago, EliHaser said:

Hey! Thanks for all your hard work! Do you plan to add the Asgonian (E.T. race) to your guide?

Of course!

To celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the CSG, I’m finally releasing a link to the Google Drive folder.

There’s a file in the ‘Other Documents’ folder which lists all of the species that I have added since v4.4.

Very nice stuff, I just found this so apologies for the question; but is this Completed as of now?

Unlike what the name says, I have no intention of actually completing it anytime soon. So long as people find things they want revised or I discover new species, I hope to continue working on it.

I had a term for that at my old job when people kept coming back with new suggestions on a project.

This project has been Temporarily Finalized .

The Temporarily Finalized Species Guide (TFSG) just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Also, it’s not even finalized, since I’ve got like 100 species that I’m in the process of adding.

On 3/2/2019 at 6:22 AM, Yaccarus said:

The Temporarily Finalized Species Guide (TFSG) just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Also, it’s not even temporarily finalized, since I’ve got like 100 species that I’m in the process of adding.

On 2/19/2019 at 1:56 PM, Ogrebear said:

Thanks for the updates.

Could you please give some consideration to including the Yaka please?

Pics in colour here:

Took me a little while, but that’s done now.

Although I went through a few weeks of hiatus, I’ve gotten back into a rythym of averaging at least 1 species per day.

Hey! Collapse of the Republic includes Dathomirian, Karkarodon and Harch! Maybe some more, but we'll have to wait and see >_<

Well, the CSG has its first 333/111 species! The Houk are now complete.

I will soon add Huk and Huhk. (Unfortunately, Huk will have to be listed under Yam’rii, but oh well)

2 minutes ago, Varlie said:

That's great.

They should have a special ability that gives them 1 Setback dice on any Discipline check.

That’s why they have Willpower 1, which also demonstrates their terrible Coercion. (They torture people by just shouting “Talk!” over and over again.)

Have you taken a shot at Rattataki?

4 hours ago, pawnnolonger said:

Have you taken a shot at Rattataki?

Not yet, but I should be able to get something done by Saturday.

3 hours ago, Yaccarus said:

Not yet, but I should be able to get something done by Saturday.

That would be awesome

We finally have a Fancy Graphics v4.5 and I’ll update all of the PDFs and Datasets once I finish v5. The biggest update is that it’s purely alphabetical order and not sorted by characteristic at 3.

So I want to provide a few updates regarding the CSG. As usual, everything I’m mentioning can be found in the main Google Drive folder .

  • I’m relatively busy right now, so don’t expect too many pages over the next few weeks.
  • The CSG has its first co-author, who can be found on the SWRPG Discord as mrdollar11. I am still the only editor for the project, so expect no differences in quality. His current works include Kentra, Neti, Rakata, and Reigat if you want to check them out.
  • Neti have been a complex stat block to make; they’ve currently gone through 3 versions: Mrdollar11 wrote the original writeup, which I heavily modified using the UAA (Ultimate Alien Anthology) during my revisions, and he then made some comments that caused me to again make some changes this morning. If anybody wants to comment on a stat block, this is probably the one.
  • Obviously individual versions aren’t as big of deals now that the folder is shared, but I planning on wrapping up v5 once I get through the UAA so that I can release a PDF and dataset update with the new species. Late June maybe?

More info on Neti:

The Neti shapeshifting, as translated over from Wizards of the Coast in the Ultimate Alien Anthology, basically allows them to shape-shift between any combination of humanoid, quadrupedal, or treelike and Silhouette 1, 2, or 3.

Quadrupedal form is slower but more stable, and tree-like form is immoble but extremely stable and you can disguise yourself as a tree.

Although larger Silhouettes just make you an easy target in FFG, WotC gives a whole array of effects such as easier target, harder to hide, greater encumbrance threshold, and increased wound threshold.

Now, I decided to remove some of those effects, because it doesn’t make sense that expanding makes you tougher or stronger. What it might do, however, is make you harder to hurt, because much of your volume would not have major organs in it. Now basically, what I’ve tried to do is create effects such that the Neti have reason to experience every size and shape during their usage. The result is very complex and not all that satisfying. Although I’ve always placed accuracy before being concise, I’d really appreciate any thoughts that you have regarding the Neti.

Kind of an embarrassing announcement here, but someone reading the CSG pointed this out to me:

A number of species, including Yinchorri and Houk, are listed as having ST n+Brawn. This is not intended and such instances are the results of a brain fart. Strain Threshold is always dependent on Willpower. I looked for a little while and found the issue in Thakwaash and Shi’ido as well. If you discover I did this in any other places, then, to quote Sio Bibble, “You must contact me!”