The Complete Species Guide

By Yaccarus, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

WOW, thanks alot for your effort 😍

This is amazing! Thank you so much!

My one minor request, if you update it, is for the tables of contents to return.

2 hours ago, ianinak said:

This is amazing! Thank you so much!

My one minor request, if you update it, is for the tables of contents to return.

I've just added a table of contents and paginated it.

A huge thanks from me and my table. Astounding work.

On 2/20/2019 at 10:49 AM, Varlie said:

How would you stat an Ardennian?

There's a discussion in AOR about it here:

This uses Xexto as a base but doesn't really cover some of the other features like prehensile feet. How much of an base-XP deduction would that be?

I don't know why I took so long to make a page for the Ardennians, but I finally did it: Here they are!

On 3/28/2018 at 6:56 PM, Ogrebear said:

If I may offer an interesting challenge - how would you stat the Tchuukthai please?

This was the Wizards version:

I've finally made an official page for Tchuukthai , and I've messed around with the stats a bit as well once I got more familiar with them. In other news:

  • v6 is started, obviously.
  • I've finally delved into Canon species not in FFG, including the Ardennians mentioned above, and the Abednedo , who appear all over Canon but are strangely absent from FFG's books.
  • I'll do Asogians soon, and please remind me if there are any other requests that I've somehow forgotten about.
11 hours ago, Yaccarus said:

I don't know why I took so long to make a page for the Ardennians, but I finally did it: Here they are!

Very nice. The big difference from what I went with was in place of Brachiation, I used Prehensile Feet as found on the Lasat write up.

If you're looking for the chance to play a CSG species, I'm hoping run a one-shot tonight to playtest the CSG. Please use a species exclusive to the CSG, and those with very unique abilities are encouraged. We'll be going with Character Creation XP+50.

Name: The Scrapheap King (This is a prewritten modular adventure)
Time: Tonight, 6:30 PM CST
System: EotE
Platform: Discord
GM: Myself
Player Slots: 4/6 slots available
Description: The PCs are rogues employed by a Corellian Crime Lord known only as the Broker, who has connected them with an associate of his seeking to recover a stolen droid. With the clock ticking, they must infiltrate a droid-fighting ring known as the Scrapheap and rescue the droid…

Edited by Yaccarus

Wow, this is awesome! Thanks for all of your hard work.

Is there any way we can get a Word version of the guide without having to download all of the individual pages? Asking because I believe I can add the EotE pages background - with the red bars and carbon scoring on even pages, and yellow bars on the right of the odd pages - as well as some of the other graphical formatting that Ver. 4.5 from April '19 had using some desktop publishing software such as Scribus, following the Edge of the Empire Style Guide from a few years back, and including stat blocks from OggDude's tools. But I'm not a professional so I'd need to start from a .doc file and from there build up to a fancy-schmancy formatted PDF .

Your guide is so well done I'd be happy to make a formatted guide just so I can eventually have it printed-on-demand and sit on my shelf with my Official FFG books! Simply amazing work you've done with this guide!

On 2/3/2020 at 3:37 PM, PRocque225 said:

Wow, this is awesome! Thanks for all of your hard work.

Is there any way we can get a Word version of the guide without having to download all of the individual pages? Asking because I believe I can add the EotE pages background - with the red bars and carbon scoring on even pages, and yellow bars on the right of the odd pages - as well as some of the other graphical formatting that Ver. 4.5 from April '19 had using some desktop publishing software such as Scribus, following the Edge of the Empire Style Guide from a few years back, and including stat blocks from OggDude's tools. But I'm not a professional so I'd need to start from a .doc file and from there build up to a fancy-schmancy formatted PDF .

Your guide is so well done I'd be happy to make a formatted guide just so I can eventually have it printed-on-demand and sit on my shelf with my Official FFG books! Simply amazing work you've done with this guide!

When we did the “Spark of Rebellion” book, I believe that we put all of our resources together and made them available online. That includes the stat block graphics I made which are as precisely perfect copies of the official FFG stat blocks as I could manage.

If those resources aren’t coming up for you when you search for the book on this forum, let me know and I’ll see what I can post over on the site that I still have not yet taken down.

BTW, it looks like this is the link for the complete zip file for the CSG: Complete Species Guide zip file

Would you be able to add the Diathim, Maelibus, Gree, Felucians, Jungle Felucians, Kerkoiden, Taung, Ebruchi, Lugubraa, Vagaari, Bivall, Chazrach, Terrelian, and "Tridactyl" (Yoda's Species)? Diathim and Taung would be a priority.

Also, in case you were looking for any inspirations or stats ideas, here is a link to the species list for the WEG d20 Star Wars RPG: . It has a compilation of stats for all species used in the d20 system, both official and player-created. While the stats system is different in d20, they might still be useful for decision making.

Thank you so much for this amazing resource!

Edited by WanderMyst

Since I already had made an Excel document for myself with the stats of all the official species, I decided to go ahead and add the species from The Complete Species Guide to it. I left the official species stats as is, so if there were any changes to those in the Guide then they may need editing. Aside from the official species, all the stats should be as they are presented in the Guide.

Feel free to use or modify this however you wish. I'm just hoping for Diathim as an eventual addition to the Guide. 😇

Once again, thanks for all the hard work, Yaccarus!

Star Wars RPG Species Master List.xlsx

On 2/16/2020 at 2:55 AM, bradknowles said:

When we did the “Spark of Rebellion” book, I believe that we put all of our resources together and made them available online. That includes the stat block graphics I made which are as precisely perfect copies of the official FFG stat blocks as I could manage.

If those resources aren’t coming up for you when you search for the book on this forum, let me know and I’ll see what I can post over on the site that I still have not yet taken down.

Yes, I have copies of Rancor Publishing Group's (yours?) Spark of Rebellion sourcebook and the Shadow Over Tarkintown adventure. Both are phenomenal! Thanks for the hard work, and I still use that side by side with Dawn of Rebellion !

In a few PM's with Yaccarus, he mentioned that he and theDearth2 have spoken and intend to continue updating the Complete Species Guide, so I'm stepping aside from getting it formatted similar to how the 4.5 version from April 2019 was done.

Unless that changes, the only other thing I may do to contribute to the project is commission some artists to make better quality art pieces for the species that don't really have them already. As a lot of them come from EU sources, a decent depiction of the species done in an art style similar to FFG's just simply doesn't exist, imho.

1 hour ago, PRocque225 said:

Yes, I have copies of Rancor Publishing Group's (yours?) Spark of Rebellion sourcebook and the Shadow Over Tarkintown adventure. Both are phenomenal! Thanks for the hard work, and I still use that side by side with Dawn of Rebellion !

I was a member of the team, but that was a huge group effort. I did mostly QA work — catching typos, places where graphics don’t line up, etc....

I also created the stat block graphics we used, based on a hi-res scan and re-creation of the stat block from an FFG book. I carefully color matched from the book using a Pantone CapSure color matching device. So, it’s about as pixel perfect as I could make it, at about 600dpi.

And because I’ve been a Unix/Internet admin since 1989, I also set up the site that was our official home, although I let other members of the team design the web pages, etc....

But as a result, I got to see the work in various stages, and I got to see a lot of the components that were put together to make the final copy. And I should still have archives of all that stuff, somewhere.

Edited by bradknowles
Correct typo

Thank you for your hard work, this is just what I was looking for! If I could offer 2 suggestions to make this a bit easier to navigate they would be:

  • Add bookmarks to the .pdf on each page to make it easier to find the species in Acrobat (open the bookmarks tab, click the species)
  • Add a table that contains all the species with stat breakdown and page reference for easy character creation. For example:


Thanks again, really appreciate the effort.

As we hit 300 species, I am finally adding Yoda's Species.

Awesome work. Did anyone ever create Max Kanata's species?

20 hours ago, Raicheck said:

Awesome work. Did anyone ever create Max Kanata's species?

As of now, Yoda's species is the only unnamed species present in the guide, and I only included them after 299 other species because they're such an important piece of the universe. I might get to her species in the distant future, but such a page would be highly speculative.

On 3/1/2020 at 10:23 AM, Yaccarus said:

As we hit 300 species, I am finally adding Yoda's Species.

Not bad, though I'd remove any mention of a species name.

45 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Not bad, though I'd remove any mention of a species name.

At first I thought that if I was going to remove a little bit of the mystique, I might as well go all-in, but I actually kind of like that idea after further consideration.

7 hours ago, Rimsen said:

Is space dragon really a thing?

Everything I wrote in there was based on Galaxy Guide 4 or Wookieepedia. So yeah.