Quest Marker Placement

By DoctorHam, in Fallout

I played a game this weekend with the Capitol Wasteland scenario, and I ran into a bit of an issue early on that I couldn't find an answer for in the rules: When a quest marker is placed on a facedown tile at the start of the game, or as a result of a quest, what space is that marker supposed to go on when the tile is explored? We ended up just saying that any space on that tile is valid to perform the quest action, but I'd appreciate confirmation of some sort.

We decided to treat it the same as monsters, where the person flipping the tile gets to decide which spot to put it in. Couldn't find anything explicit in the rulebook so that was the closest thing to a precedent to follow.

9 hours ago, MythicalMothman said:

We decided to treat it the same as monsters, where the person flipping the tile gets to decide which spot to put it in. Couldn't find anything explicit in the rulebook so that was the closest thing to a precedent to follow.

Yes that's how I played the crashed Vertibird in a game I've just finished.

18 hours ago, MythicalMothman said:

We decided to treat it the same as monsters, where the person flipping the tile gets to decide which spot to put it in. Couldn't find anything explicit in the rulebook so that was the closest thing to a precedent to follow.

I like that idea, honestly, but I'm confused over your reference to monster placement. When a tile is revealed, you place monsters on the space with the monster icon, right?

An active monster that has moved onto a facedown tile, that is then revealed. The person doing the revealing decides which space to put it in.

2 minutes ago, Slade000 said:

An active monster that has moved onto a facedown tile, that is then revealed. The person doing the revealing decides which space to put it in.

Yep, yep, just saw that in the rules reference and came back to edit my post. Wasn't fast enough though. I had completely ignored the ability of monsters to move onto facedown tiles before, I just assumed they couldn't path through them.

Thanks guys, this helps a lot.

Edited by DoctorHam