Necro Flagship: No limit?

By Dreepa, in Twilight Imperium

So since one of the FFG Designers ruled that Ground Forces used as "ships" are actually exempted from checking against fleet supply, my question is: Can we utilize unlimited Ground Forces?

One possible strategy would be to flood Mecatol Rex with Ground Forces. Eventually having a swarm of like 20 GF on the planet and using them to defend in any space combat.


Edited by Dreepa

As far as I can tell, yep.

You would need to have the flagship in the system too.

7 minutes ago, Forgottenlore said:

You would need to have the flagship in the system too.

I took that for a given, ofc :)

Or you could just have 20 Infantry on the planet, and the results are the same. It is almost impossible to invade that many troops with out x89

The results are the same only when you look at it from a rather superficial standpoint, given that you can use Dreads/Warsuns to bombard, use tech (like you mention), or related action cards.

Just imagine the horror a Fleet Admiral must feel when they realize that the Nekro Flagship accompanied by all their Carriers fully loaded with Infantry is heading their way...

Then a message comes in through Coms:

"We are the swarm. Your technology will be ours. Resistance will only prolong the inevitable."

Edited by Fnoffen

I've submitted this question to them.

In my opinion, it should use the capacity of the ships in the system.

It's still good because you can use your flagship to defend your planet without fighters, also infantry have a 10% greater chance of hitting (8,9,10 vs 9 and 10) so you could have say 2 empty carriers, and your empty flagship, plus whatever else you want and have 11 infantry fighting instead of building 11 fighters. Infantry also obviously cost the same as fighters too.

If I recall correctly, Capacity is only ever checked directly after end of combat. And since the Infantry goes back to not acting like ships at the end of combat it would be a valid strategy. Which is why allowing the Nekro to steal the Arborec tech Leitani Warriors II is a HUGE no-no. Then again the only way to disallow that theft is for the Arborec player to not research it...


Edited by Fnoffen
due to double posting.

Hi Fnoffen,

We actually had this question come up, and if you look at the rules it states you cannot exceed capacity "at any time". I will go through and find that in the rules reference, but I think it's good to know, it's also logical that you wouldn't have assets in a system that were unable to be carried there.

Also RE: Arborec, they could still research it, they just need to vote against the prediction or abstain from voting.

Be that as it may, I believe there has been an official ruling that the Infantry used as ships doesn't count towards capacity anyway.

Also about the Nekro-Arborec: Sure the Arborec can research it anyway but all the Nekro needs to do then is destroy one (1!!) single Arborec unit of any kind and boom! ALL their Infantry units can produce two new infantry units EVERY SINGLE ACTIVATION! Couple that with the Nekro Flagship and whatever planet they park it over is technically impregnable and can triple as many of their Infatry as they can scrounge up resources for.

Edited by Fnoffen
for spelling

And section 16 on page 10 of the new Living Rules Reference proves me right. It states that Fighters and Ground Forces may exceed capacity during space combat.

The Necro Deathball is real.

I can see Deathballs are becoming more and more strategic in 4th ed.

"Hey Conza,

The ground forces in the system that the Alastor is allowing to participate in combat are still on the planets, they do not need to be supported by ship capacity. Ground forces that are on ships in the system can also participate (but they should already be supported by capacity, or they wouldn’t be there). Hope that helps." FFG.
Realising there is a production limitation, and that the Nekro require you to attack people to gain technology, I think it's "OK" I would've liked the capacity to come into it, as well, but I think they basically behave as upgraded fighters (unless their upgraded, in which case they're amazing). Also, it's mostly only good defensively anyway.

Well technically the Nekro doesn't have to attack to steal tech. They just need to kill. So one strategy for the Nekro is to get out there and get in the way everywhere all the time so that the other players kinda HAVE to attack them to get anything done. Then the Nekro player only needs to get one lucky shot in. Two to be 98% certain of being able to get a tech. I say 98% due to Non-Euclidean Shielding and such techs.

Edited by Fnoffen
for spelling

For me Nekro is overpower if Arborec is in the game. You can imagine a flagship + Inflanty II tech which are use as a fighter. You have fleet with fighters hits on 7+ , which can produce new unit after battle( production 2 even on carriers and after move) and if they killed on 6+ they come back to home system.

For me quite cool;)