Best tier 3 pistol for Jyn

By coogee78, in Legends of the Alliance

Playing the campaign through again with Jyn as on her first outing and the Sporting Blaster and Disruption Pistol both came up. In the app the price difference is not so great as the other campaigns, with the Sporting Blaster being 50 credits more expensive. I don't have Tac Display so Gunslingers surge is the only guaranteed one she will get in a round meaning I would probably need to use the DL-44 as the main weapon and use the 3 damage surge from the Disruption Pistol, which seems like a waste. While the Sporting Blaster only has the one damage surge it has an extra yellow over the DL-44 and the 2 pierce surge which seems to be the better way to go with gunslinger.

I'm just curious to see what others think.

Based on only knowing you have Gunslinger and DL-44, Disruptor Pistol will do more damage when you have Gunslinger available, but when Gunslinger is exhausted or when you don't have the strain to spare, the Sporting Blaster has better damage and also gives you the option of Stun which is useful against melee units.

I don't see how any of the conditions really affect the Imperials or maybe I'm playing them wrong. Since most of the figures have a "Move X spaces and attack the figure with the most damage" option, it doesn't seem to have as much impact when you can discard your Bleed or Stun and still move and shoot one of my figures

1 hour ago, buckero0 said:

I don't see how any of the conditions really affect the Imperials or maybe I'm playing them wrong. Since most of the figures have a "Move X spaces and attack the figure with the most damage" option, it doesn't seem to have as much impact when you can discard your Bleed or Stun and still move and shoot one of my figures

I realize this could be confusing, but the move part of the “move then attack” actions is considered gaining movement points (not move X spaces) and therefore they gain 0 when stunned. So they get the attack portion of the action, but not the move.

Discussed here:

but if you can't complete the first direction, don't you switch down the next? I've always played with the imperials having 2 actions still anyway, so they move and attack, then i always do the next direction down to reposition as well. Am I giving my imperials too much of a hand?

Edited by buckero0

Imperial figures have 2 actions. They perform any applicable non-action abilities, and the first 2 (if possible) action abilities that they can perform. Rarely they can only perform one action.

(Note that Move X to Reposition will be performed even if it doesn't change the board state.)

20 hours ago, buckero0 said:

but if you can't complete the first direction, don't you switch down the next? I've always played with the imperials having 2 actions still anyway, so they move and attack, then i always do the next direction down to reposition as well. Am I giving my imperials too much of a hand?

All Stunned does in LotA is prevent the figure from gaining movement points when it performs a move action, it specifically does not skip the instruction.